Do the elders still go ahead and announce?
Does it go like : '"--------" is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses', and by the way he died yesterday.
Or do they show Jehovah's 'loving kindness' and not say anything about the poor DEAD soul?
by african GB Member 10 Replies latest jw friends
Do the elders still go ahead and announce?
Does it go like : '"--------" is no longer one of Jehovah's Witnesses', and by the way he died yesterday.
Or do they show Jehovah's 'loving kindness' and not say anything about the poor DEAD soul?
does the DF stand or does it become NULL and VOID?
Before the troll bashers get all worked up...
I've seen this happen.
A teminally ill JW was DFd. Between the time the decision was made to the time it was to be announced, the newly DFd JW died. The DFing announcement was made anyway. It was explained to me that the "friends" needed to know that the person who died was DFd so the friends could take this into consideration when deciding whether to go to the funeral or not (the real meaning being that the elders didn't want other JWs to go to the funeral because the person was DFd).
This situation caused quite a controversy in the hall. Some people toed the company line and didn't go to the funeral. Others went. Some people were upset at the lack of sympathy and mercy of the elders, some for DFing to begin with, others for announcing it.
Looking back on it, the most shameful part of it was that more than one person actually said that the whole thing was the DFd person's fault, because they had not followed Bible principles and they had tried to hide the matter from the elders. Had they confessed earlier they could have avoided creating such a dilema.
Just when I thought I've heard it all...
They can't leave a guy alone, even after he's dead.
That's too bad they can't remember Romans 6:7 at a time like this "He who has died has been acquited from his sin." The dead are sinless, so why would it be wrong for the sinful living to comport themselves with a measure of compassion and humility?
What's next, digging up his body and burning it?
What Bible translator was that done to? Wycliffe
The WBT$ disfellowships Dead people!!.............Not even Dead JW`s are safe from WBT$ Dicipline!!..LOL!!..........................OUTLAW
He/she will probably be granted a posthumous DF
as they have not attended they will not be allowed to appeal.
"The WBT$ disfellowships Dead people!!............."
Is it any better that the LDS baptizes Dead people ......? ;-)