Steven Hassan's Cult book...

by homeschool 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • homeschool

    Detective...I hear ya. Actually, the book really imprints in your mind the fact that ANYTHING you say that even KIND OF makes them think you're criticizing their faith will turn some kind of switch off in their heads so they quit listening to you. Its so wild. On a related note, I approached my sister and said "hey sis, am i allowed to ask you a question without sounding like an apostate?" she was like "of course"....i swear i've never tried so hard to keep my ego out of the equation (and without sounding fake). I said "Well, I'm really seems like growing up, I remember them saying at every meeting that people who lived in 1914 would not see the end of this system of things. Did that change? Is that what the New Light is about?" Firstly, she said "where'd you hear that from?!"
    to which I responded "I really dont remember....its been awhile but it just popped in my head". My point is.....I'm gonna do everything in my power to make her answer my question without criticizing her faith. I want HER to come up with the answer that it doesnt make sense (although at this point in the game i'm sure she has NO doubts and it'll fly over her head. THis time....) Ya'll wish me the best!

    Oh, so anyway, she's supposed to come up with an answer for me on Friday night.

  • still_in74

    Oh, so anyway, she's supposed to come up with an answer for me on Friday night.

    make sure you follow it with - "then why did they change if from generation=144k in the first place?"

    She wont even know that WTS taught that before Knorr/Franz changed it.

    You might even ask if it was coincidence that the "new light" of 1995 came to the WTS exactly 81 years after 1914 (remember "a mighty man lives 70 or 80 years"?)or within just 2 years of Franz dying? You ever notice that after a prez dies the main teaching they emphasized during their tenure always gets dumped???

    Such an obvious tactic by the objective observer....

  • detective

    Hi Homeschool,

    it sounds like you are really being cautious which is good. Hopefully you'll have an interesting answer on Friday. It's good that you are conscious of how long it can take to unlock a person's mind. I took a systematic approach when I was working to free me honey from the mindset. Sometimes I did well and felt good about the situation and other times I'd push too hard and see my honey clam up. I tried to learn as best as I could from my mistakes but it certainly was a bumpy, looooong road. Then again, it did eventually work (but some of the mind set remains at deeper levels- but he's out and it's been good). Good luck with your sis...

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