One part of the Watchtower study really got my goat!
I know its not original thinking but , paragraph 17 of study article said
"Jehovah's longsuffering is lasting longer than some have anticipated, However that is no reason to give up, to do so would be tantamount to criticizing God for being longsuffering"
Who do they think they are! We anticipated the end because THEY taught us to believe it . The WT rammed home the message time and again -who would have thought in the early 1970s that we would be sitting here in the almost second year of the 21st century ?
They cannot get away with blaming us for failed expectations .
Anyway, my criticism is squarely of the Org.for leading us up the garden path - not criticism of our God who, truly did not indicate a day or an hour.
Perhaps the younger or newer people can be fooled, but they can't pass the buck all the time.