things become very surreal.............not many details for me....but i did cross center lane.....and nearly died in a head
staying awake for over 24 hours...only once for
by oompa 28 Replies latest jw friends
Done it several times.
Worked a few 24+ hour shifts. I used to paint canadian tire stores at night and weekends, when they were closed. After working for that long of a stretch, it seems like the work isn't progressing at all, and i generally gave up. Used to hallucinate sounds and movements, too.
have done it way too many times. I am a health care provider and i detest being on call
I only did that in the before time and that was because my gf slipped some crystal meth in my coffee before I went to work (on the graveyard shift) and didn't tell me. I became certain that this one guy "Sam" was only pretending he was slow and stupid and so I went to the supervisor and tried to explain that they should do something to motivate him because he was really brilliant but was sand-bagging.
A few days later I realized that he really was slow and stupid.
I worked nightshift at the post office as a late teen.
Fell asleep on the interstate.
Woke up four lanes over, on the shoulder.
Looking at the sunrise.
Another time, I broke down in the 10,000 Islands in Everglades National park on a Friday evening during Summer.
You know the mosquitos and NoSeeUms are bad when you prefer to hang off the side of the boat all night in bull shark and alligator infested waters.
The radio refused to work. We were near an area called "The Nightmare" on the maps.
Exhausted, and the fun is over when the beer and Vienna sausages run out.
Sunday morning we figured out the problem: bad starter solenoid. We bypassed it and got the motor started.
We were pretty much hallucinating the presence of dead relatives at that point.
I worked 30+ consecutive hours a couple of times. After the first 12 I'm pretty much useless. I won't do it again.
Some pretty hairy experiences described! Everyone was very fortunate!
I only began staying awake 24+ hours during the past few years (on purpose) but only while online.
With a sleep disorder for years, "normal" sleep would normally be 4-5 hours, wake up, very broken sleep, just miserable, feel lousy all day, can't get anything done, etc.
Then I discovered that if I stay awake online (lots of coffee, lol) for 24+ hours, afterward I pass out and sleep straight through 8-9 hours without waking up, which is PURE HEAVEN and worth it for me. Not to mention I catch up on emails and threads here and other forums and other internet business. The staying awake 24+ is not an everyday occurrence, lol, obviously.
Even so, just a few days ago one of the news segments on TV was re: sleep and they said that if you stay awake 17+ hours, your body acts as if it has a 0.05% alcohol level, which is five times the legal limit, which probably explains getting goofy in the head after 24 hours. Usually I feel it about 16 hours but if I keep on through that, then I get a 2nd wind. I've stayed awake 30-36, maybe even 48 hours a few times, but always online in bed. So not likely to have any accidents. ;-)
I wouldn't recommend it as a habit. Natural Health disciplines say once you lose a night of sleep the damage is done and the sleep can never be replaced, even if you sleep for 2 days to "make up."
Knowing all that, broken/chopped sleep is just so miserable, I'll take my 8-9 hours straight deep sleep after being awake 24. ;-/
I went for about two weeks with only getting 2-4 hours of sleep a day.
Towards the end I really began understanding how a person can snap and do something awful.
I came very close to stabbing my asshole husband with a small paring knife, not that he didn't deserve it.
But still, it was a bad idea.
Hahahahahahah I'm a nursing student who works nights... 12 hour night shifts 12 hour clinicals and sometimes back to the night shift once I get off!
Only 24? I've can do that in my sleep...