It was about time...why it took them so many years to write this down what was already a dogma for all the JW's. I guess they feel that is about time to secure their possition due to the increasing number of the all those years that they were saying that the FDS are anointed ones from all over the world(by the way is there any chance to have a woman FDS?)gone down the drain.
I just can't believe how do they twist the scriptures again and take what they like. How can they just ignore the facts that shows the opposite and JW's blindly accept it:
1.In Jerusalim there was no GB. In the text we read that the Apostoles and the Elders came to Jerusalim to discuss the matter. So it seems that they were much more that 15 members. It can easily seen by the Biblical account.
2.Paul was assigned by Jesus to preach and he didn't have any GB assignement.In fact he went preaching directly and after 14 years he went back to Jerusalim for the circumsition matter, since it was the Christian Jews that they create the issue.
3.If there was a GB(JW's kind off) in Jerusalim Paul what have been disfellowshiped for Apostasy since he proceed to circumsize Timothy. An action by Paul that was in direct contrast against their descision for the specific matter.
4.The name Christians came out from the Antioch Church and not from any GB 'based' in Jerusalim. It was adopted by the Christian Congregations in the Creco Roman Empire. So can any congregation of the WT have the right for this kind of descisions?