What does Romans 10:9,10 mean to a JW?

by Colton 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Colton

    Romans 10:9,10

    "...If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, you shall be saved; for with the heart man believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation."

    In my ten years as a JW, there was absolutely no emphases to the importance of this scripture. What did this scripture mean to the average JW?

  • TheOldHippie

    I remember it discussed from time to time, so perhaps you were sleeping a bit as a back bencher? :-) It was used in connection with the baptism, that when you publicly said "yes" to the two questions asked, you confessed with the mouth thatyou had repented and given your life to do God's will and would continue to do so from then on. Yor taking part in the witnessing work was also a sort of secondary part of this, you continues professing, but the main emphasis was on your confessing at your baptism. Witnessing was not important in that context, as you could never do that work and see it resulting in salvation, as the verse says, whereas baptism was a requirement for salvation.

  • isaacaustin

    It would mean (to a witness) to stay close to the organization so that in the day of calamity one can call on the name of Jehovah for deliverance- emphasis being placed on the importance of staying close to the org. The NWT inserts "jehovah for Lord in the following verse which sates "Everyone who calls on the name of jehovah will be saved" (NWT) This of course kills the entire context of the previous verses...who do we confess- Jesus.....all the verses that speak of any sort of declaration refer to Jesus EXCEPT the verse I just mentioned which suddenly changes to Jehovah. The WT does not want its members to call on the name of Jesus. The WT 'justifies' this insertion by claiming it is a quote of an OT verse. This is never studied deeply by the members...it is simply gloosed over as part of the Bible reading. That is how the WT likes it...

  • wobble

    I believed what they said, that though this is true, there is much more needed to gain salvation. I didn't swallow that this meant more meetings and FS and blindly following the FDS/GB , but I did feel this statement of Pauls was too simple!

    I now know that the truth is encapsulated in this scripture, and I don't have to worry about "am I doing enough?" I know that Our Lord has saved me and any works I do are just an expression of my love for Him, nothing to do with earning salvation.

    The average Dub believes you must associate with the WTB$ or you will not be saved.



    p.s I wonder too, how they explain away Peters comment ,(also springing from Joel chp.2 ) in Acts 2v36b "that God made him both Lord and Christ,this Jesus whom you impaled"

  • carla

    I have asked my jw about that one and his response was defensive, 'oh yeah, you Christians use that one so you can just do whatever you want!! you mean I get to say Jesus is Lord and I'm done???!!!!' and then he would volleyball back with James 'faith without works is dead'. He never did understand my question and couldn't get past the jw works theme and actually discuss faith itself.

  • carla

    forgot to mention he really didn't like me bringing up Jesus much, he felt there would be no Jesus without jehovah.

    okay, that explains everything. Next would come the jah is sovereign speech which I still don't get why they go on about that either. If one is an atheist it is obviously a non issue, if one is Christian who disputes it? but then that brings you to a Trinity conversation which brings you to...... and then...

  • Leolaia

    The NWT has "make public declaration" instead of "confess". Hence, "one makes public declaration for salvation". This less idiomatic translation is then interpreted as relating to the preaching work (in a similar way that the NWT renders the word for "believing" in John 17:3 with "taking in knowledge" and this is interpreted as meaning that one must take in knowledge from the publications in order to be saved).

    *** w60 6/1 p. 336 par. 3 Speech and Salvation ***

    The form of public declaration for salvation referred to by Paul at Romans chapter 10 is speech publicly made, based on one’s strong faith. The knowledge given from God’s Word has been given in trust to be used freely. Jesus reminded the apostles, at Matthew 10:8, that they had received free and so they must give free. He gave them orders to go and preach, entering into the houses and speaking to the people, visiting from house to house and from city to city, and he left no doubt that this would result in their salvation. Some persons may conclude it is a difficult task to go out and speak to people about God’s kingdom and purposes in public places, but this is one of the requirements for salvation or everlasting life. There is only one means for gaining salvation and that is through Christ Jesus, the way God has provided. He is the Mediator between God and men, who showed how public declaration from house to house and city to city results in the preacher’s being reported on well for salvation before the Father.

  • hamsterbait

    Leo -

    Thanks for that - notice how when it needs blackmail and guilting Jesus is suddenly a mediator between everybody (or at least they hope that is the gofors take in this study) Not just for the annointed

    In the June 15th study WT it is interesting that they apply Matt 28 about the preaching commission only to the New Nation of spirit annointed. Any member of the "crowd" could now point out that the commission to preach publicly was given only to the annointed.

    Of course the kings belongings (non-annointed) are now expected to cooperate with the GB and do the preaching for them, whilst they fly round the world first class spreading swine flu.

    Anyway this "public declaration" for salvation is the salvation of those listening to you isn't it? ! Cor 3: 15 is interesting - a man's works may be burned up as useless and thus suffers loss.

    "yet he himself will be saved" - the NWT reference is to Ezekiel 3: 19 I think that if they can misapply this verse here then I can view their use of Ezekiel in connection with declaration for salvation as wrong can't I ?


  • Colton

    Wouldn't those confessing that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised Him up be of the Anointed? Otherwise, what is the difference between the R&F and the Anointed (besides they have a Heavenly Hope ... they just do. Can't prove it. Don't ask.) Over and over, the spotlight is on the special Anointed who partake in the emblems as Jesus directed THEM ... and to go and make Disciples, but something happens here ... the R&F get to share this special task of preaching with them (as a grand privledge!). It's a joke. Only the Anointed should be going out in service. They are the ones who are to be Kings and Priests with Christ Jesus in Heaven. Afterall, Jesus was speaking directly to THEM. He didn't say, "Oh, and bring those 'other sheep' with you to tag along. Even though I have nothing to do with them ... let them do the work for you."


    To a JW..That scripture means what ever the WBT$ say`s it means!..That could change at any time and JW`s will support the new meaning!...................................LOL!!...OUTLAW

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