Pro-JW letter to the editor in local paper

by Shepherd Book 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book

    This letter to the editor appeared in today's paper:

    This is basically a response to the article that was published about me and my family (which, frustratingly, has already been archived). In it, I claimed to shunned by almost all friends and family and to have been neither DF'd nor DA'd (both of these claims are true, by the way).

    I find it fascinating that Derek, the letter's author, was able to dwell only on the positive: yes, there are a lot of JWs & yes, they are respectful to people with differing opinions (as long as you count excommunication as respectful). Still, he marginalizes the shunning and ignores the main thrust of my article.

    I used to be in the same congregation as Derek. He's a good kid, he was a real thinker - he read lots of non-fiction. I hope he comes to his senses one day.

    Comments are allowed at the letter's site...the editor told me he wished to hear more feedback. Any takers?

  • undercover

    JWs historically ignore all bad press and only toot their horn when there is good press. The elders probably wish that individual dubs would just leave well enough alone instead of keeping the hornet's nest stirred up in these cases.

    I don't remember if I read the original letter that was posted, but this one isn't much of a rebuttal to anything. It wasn't well written. To most letter-to-the-editor readers, it will be obvious that this writer didn't do himself any favors by trying to defend his faith this way.

  • Elsewhere

    > it will be obvious that this writer didn't do himself any favors by trying to defend his faith this way.


  • WTWizard

    Seems that every time someone writes up a pro-witless article in the mainstream paper, people can see through the holes and find 50 things that rebut the article. Yet, no one can defend against the pedophile articles when they come up, so the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger has to tell the witlesses to ignore such articles.

  • Kudra

    mmm. I wrote a comment under the title "Interesting."

    Witnesses are a group that penalizes their members for "thought crime". Who in their right mind would want to be a member of such an organization. Well... we all did at one point. So glad i am no longer squirming under their thumb...


  • jamiebowers


  • Warlock
    ........................... he was a real thinker



  • Shepherd Book
    Shepherd Book


    He was a thinker (esp. relative to others in the congregation). He attended college, and was always reading. He was a refined speaker and was one of the few who could raise his hand and comment competantly on 'science' related study articles.

  • WuzLovesDubs

    I remember getting my shackles up every time someone said anything even REMOTELY negative about the JWs. I was quick to defend them. And of course what I used for arrows was all the crap the JWs fed me over the years, which in retrospect, made me look really stupid. But I didnt care. I was a REBEL WITH A CAUSE you know.

    I did reply to the article...they may not approve it though LOL

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    A typical response.

    Notice that almost every comment this indivudal makes is a declaration of how his religion acts. No actual policies, practices, actions or examples are given. Instead he simplly states things such as:

    "We do not view ourselves as better than those who do not share our views."

    "We feel that everyone has the right to live the way they wish."

    "We respect people’s choice on how to live their life."

    These are blanket statements that hold no value. By taking the reverse of each statement we can see how off base the arguments are:

    "JWs view themselvess as better than those who do not share our views."

    "JWS don't feel that everyone has the right to live the way they wish."

    "JW's don't respect people’s choice on how to live their life."

    Statements like these demand context and discussion. To simply state them is of little value. They would be nothing more than baseless attacks. Instead giving detailed examples and information to back up these statements is what is important. Without this each statement is simply a claim, nothing more and nothing less.

    He then ends his letter by praising certain people in the community in an effort to show that he personally doesn't look down on others. Seems rather insecure....

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