The only reason you have total control over all of your members is your false ''faithful and discreet slave'' scripture. This scripture was applied only for your benefit. Without this scripture your whole religion would fall.
Tell the ''Governing Body'' one thing that you've always wanted them to know!
by RULES & REGULATIONS 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Scarred for life
You're all a bunch of egotisitcal, rigid, sexually obsessed liars. You destroy people and you destroy families. And you do it for your little bit of power that you have over a bunch of uneducated, passive, petrified, submissive followers. There is nothing that you do that has any redeeming value. And you're all going to die and return to dust just like everybody else. You're not going to heaven and there will be no damned paradise where children are petting lions. You are all the same as Jim Jones to me.
You are a bunch of baby killing, child excommunicating, Jesus f***ing, Jehovah s***ing self worshipping demons.
You run a Wonderful organization..Did you know the WBT$ and I are fellow share holders in the Rand Cam Engine Corp..Rand Cam makes Engines that deliver bombs to they`re target..Everytime there is a War,the WBT$ and I make money!!.. Because..We are smart enough to be part of the War Machine!!...........I admire your Real Estate Scams..And..You own your own Religion!..You get foolish Jehovah`s Witness`s to buy a Kingdom Hall..Then sell it down the road and keep the money!!..Absolutely Frigg`n Brilliant!!..................If you ever want to sell stock in your religion the "Jehovah`s Witness`s",I would be happy to buy some........You`ve turned your Religion into a real money maker!!................................................LOL!!...OUTLAW
The 21st century is very very very different than the 19th century that Russell lived in. The past is catching up with you. And it's a bitch!
"How does it feel to be the Vicar of Christ?"
First, the Bible lies.
Second, the material coming from the Washtowel Slaveholdery doesn't even agree with the Bible, as is claimed frequently by the organization.
And, how many times are we going to hear about the end being imminent? Why has Jehovah put mankind in a permanent state of emergency, as has been the case right from the beginning?
Show me one thing you prophesied in the last 140 years that came true since you claim that you are being used by Jehovah
Tyrone van leyen
Let he who hasn't sinned cast the first stone. That's really plain language guys. You are sinners! What part of that, don't you understand. If the original guys who were running your org. were still alive today and hadn't aged, I would then accept your authority, but it seems the wages of sin is death for you, as it is for everyone else.
You see fellas, there is a big difference between crime and sin. Crimes are things that get judged for in this world, usually in a courtroom. Nobody goes to jail, or gets punished for sin, or we would all be in jail, including you guys.
Judge not, lest you be judged. That's pretty plain language too, you jokers. Who gave you the authority, to sit in judgement of your fellow man for sin. You shall be judged by the same measure as this thread is demonstrating.
How do you sleep at night, knowing your awful, sinful nature? How fair is it, that for the very people who support your insanity and make you wealthy, that you treat them like lesser beings, by not only perverting justice by judging sin, but by actually having a dream team of lawyers, who ignore due process and appoint unqualified non magistrates in the backrooms of your kingdom halls to stifle all descent and fairness.
If there is a God you have spent the last 130 years perverting scripture and justice. This is because you favour the chauvanistic old testament. Shunning is old testment, and if you could legally stone people you'd probably give it a go. For your own sake you better hope there isn't a God cuz your pokin him right in the eye.