The subject of the day at is about Noah's flood.
A direct link to the article is here:
In the article highlighted this comment is made:
Geologists studying the landscape of the northwestern United States believe that as many as 100 ancient catastrophic floods once washed over the area. One such flood is said to have roared through the region with a wall of water 2,000 feet high, traveling at 65 miles an hour—a flood of 500 cubic miles of water, weighing more than two trillion tons. Similar findings have led other scientists to believe that a global flood is a distinct possibility.
Of course, no references are given as to who these scientists are and what they say exactly.
But hey, that's not needed as definite proof is given in the very next paragraph:
For those who believe that the Bible is God’s Word, though, a global flood is more than a possibility. It is a fact. (italics mine) Jesus said to God: “Your word is truth.” The apostle Paul wrote that God’s will is that “all sorts of men should be saved and come to an accurate knowledge of truth.” How could Paul teach followers of Jesus the doctrinal truth if God’s Word contains myths?
So for all you guys that have been harping on Noah and the flood the last couple of weeks, you can rest assured that despite all your arguments against such an event happening, God has provided documentation through his earthly channel that this event did take place.
So there....nyaaahhh