I was raised a "JW retard", and have a couple questions about this thread... What is a "career"? And what is "BIG $$$"?
Did being raised a JW retard your career or cost you BIG $$$?
by The Berean 38 Replies latest jw friends
I would say 'Yes'. I was denied some opportunities when I was in high school. My parents didn't want my brother and I to obtain post secondary school education and hence, did not save any money to help us. The new system was going to be here shortly so we didn't need to go to school -- just get a good job at a good company because the Baby Bonus had run out.
Well, my brother and I aren't stupid and could see the enormous flaw in that logic, especially since the world was a very different one for us than when our parents left home. So we footed our college education costs ourselves, with some care packages of food being all my parents 'could afford'. Never was 'follow your passion/dream' part of the criteria and starting a business was forbidden (too risky).
Since we both went through something similar to Community College in the U.S., my brother is now looking at getting his degree. I may have to do the same. Both of us could have been making more money earlier had we gone through University and obtained degrees over 20 years ago. I also believe more opportunities would have been available to us had we had the degree behind our names.
At any rate, I'm not doing too badly and I hope to continue to learn and grow and be open to new opportunities.
Did it ever, I had a full scholarship to M.I.T. and to U.T.I to study to be a mecahanical engineer. My parents said I don't have to go because armaggedon would be here before I graduated from colledge. My sister too had a full scholarship to Harvard. I am kicking myself everyday since that was well over 10 years ago.
Oh Josh! I feel for you. I never had a college degree either. You are not alone feeling this way.
Hiding Questioner
Well, yes and no. Probably more YES. First, as a "faithful" Jdub I did not pursue an education and, infact, was encouraged by my parents to quit high school, which, like a brainwashed fool, I did! Fortunately, I am smart and I was able to seek a unique high demand career through the help of some dear "worldly" friends (never in 50 years have I got any help from a JW) who saw my potencial. (BTW: I cannot id that career without risking revealing my identity, as I am still undercover) That said, my career has served me well for over the past 25 years.
HOWEVER, because of my money and a nice house, I have been duped (conned) several times by fellow witnesses through their clever manipulation of me ( And, I admit, I am trusting, nieve and idealistic - so I am an easy target), the manipulation of elders and the clever use of WBT$ rules. Case in point was my attractive "JW" ex-wife who originally saw my house and my horneyness as a way to enrich herself with my premarriage and in-marriage money and real estate equity leaving me pennyless, unscriptually free and out "on the street" without a home. I lost about $150,000, just in that one mess!
It took me 8 years (and therapy) to rebuild my life and, during that time, I must admit that my bitterness, along with continued JW-like thinking caused me to live for the day - wrongly thinking I was either doomed at "the Big A" or I would make it - either way I stupidly told myself that I should listen to those who are discouraging me from seeking a comfortable retirement. Now, as I look back I can see my peers happy as I start to struggle with the new found realization that I have no retirement or pension. I realize now that, had I had the right non-Jdub attitude earlier in my career, I would today be as happy, fulfilled and content as they are. I must now try to figure out a way to survive financially as I get older, after holding out for so long for a failed promise. Thanks so much WBT$ for leaving me with these messed up "golden years"!
..if it did, you only have yourself to blame.
I don't know if I could have ever been as successful as some of you on here. I got A's mostly in High School, some B's. But being raised in the truth, I wanted to do everything for Jehovah, I thought.
I took a special test, and got my high school diploma. Started regular pioneering. Got a bunch of part-time jobs doing different things.
Then off to MTS, then a missionary. I was happy, I thought I had reached my spiritual goals. Especially being invited into the circuit work.
Now that I am back in the States, I try so hard to make money. But with a HS education and no skill? I worked at different jobs in the last seven years, last year I got a job I thought was going to be great, but it fizzled out after two months.
So now I am going back to school to get a skill.
It's funny sometimes, people ask me, "So what is your degree in?" I answer that I don't have one. Everyone not a Witness thinks that is weird, one said to me, "Bonafide you are pretty smart, but you are undereducated."
Yes, I know.
Yes somewhat.......
I actually turned down my JD acceptance and got married because of my potential for materialism and lusting for influence. (evil daughter of Eve that I am)....I didn't want to taint myself of the Org by tempting my worldly desires.......
So happy to see so many back in school seeking certificates and degrees!
BonaFide - nice to see you take personal responsibility and do your thing and go to school :)