Who Knows about Voting Being a Conscience Matter?
by jamiebowers 17 Replies latest jw friends
Yes, I have heard of this. Apparently it is a government mandate in some countries, in other words, citizens are REQUIRED (i.e. forced) to vote. The Governing Body advises the Witnesses in these areas to vote for everyone on the ballot, thereby voting for no one. But of course, because they have to allow those Witnesses to vote... it makes things a little less cut and dried for those in other countries, does it not?
Would have been nice for Malawai if they had figured this out about 30 years ago......
All Time Jeff said: Would have been nice for Malawai if they had figured this out about 30 years ago......
Exactly, Jeff. I always think of Malawi... those who did not grow up hearing those horror stories would not believe what we heard. Malawi stories were far, far worse than the nightmares from badly rendered Armegeddon illustrations... it was really happening! To our Brothers and Sisters! Right then and there! Seriously, there is a story that I heard from the platform about specific torture used in Malawi that I will not even repeat. No one else needs that in their head forever.
Before I get far, far too passionate and de-railing, here... another thing that is up to one's conscience due to government demands is blood transfusions (I believe that is in Belgium?) Funny how most JW's don't know about these trivial matters...
Hi JB,
The w/t (about 2 years ago I think) had an article stating that if you lived in a country (like me, in Australia) where it is compulsory to vote, if your conscience allows it, you can attend the voting booth and register to show that you have legally attended. Then if you decided to register a vote or abstain, well that is up to you. (Vote 1 Peter Griffin)
In Australia, we get fined for not voting if the Government does not accept your reason to not vote. The past 5 years has seen the Australian government start fining more & more jw's. So despite the w/t article highlighting that you can just go and register that you have been to the voting booth without actually casting a vote, 100% of j/w's here will still take the fine. I showed that article to an elder I was close with once and he said (despite how clear the article was written) that we would still refrain from going to a polling booth so as not to stumble anyone!
Yeah, well my fine is coming out of my congo donations then.....
Whatever happened to unity?
Interesting - anyone have the reference?
Lukewarm, the reference is on http://www.jwfiles.com/, listed under "Organizational Changes"
Is "Voting" OK Now ?
Thanks Marjorie!
I learn something new here all the time - this will be a great talking point with the "friends"!!
That article was to cover their legal asses. If dragged into court they want to be able to pull this one out. But in practice - voting will get you DF (or forcefully DA now, which is exactly the same thing)