A lesbian has been studying with JW for several years!

by asilentone 43 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Morbidzbaby

    And of course no one was born as a homosexualist

    I humbly beg to differ. Human sexuality is an inborn trait. Just as a heterosexual cannot help being heterosexual, a homosexual cannot help being homosexual. You cannot CHOOSE to be heterosexual and you cannot CHOOSE to be homosexual.

  • polin

    Morbidzbaby , Not only can't anyone choose to be heterosexual or homosexual but also can do nothing in this matter .This means that no one can change nature ,genes.God didin't create homosexualists or lesbians ,as I say before , so no one can change his/herself sexuality.God made only perfect heterosexual mankind.So no one can change his original programme but of course he or she can change his/her life-style.And we know ,as I say before,,that many people have become homosexualists.The same happened in ancient times{Sadom and Gomorrah }But of course we do know that such people can abandon immoral way of life for various reasons.And many have done so. So it is possible to change one's life-style .And We can observe some people who can practice ,in the same time, a homosexual and heterosexual life-style{because they want}They want to experience something new ,new form of sex to break some kind of rutine one and so on.There are many other reasons people do such things.And of course since everyone can abandon such immoral life-style so the lesbians ,mentioned before ,who has been studying for several years with JWs can do the same.

    As we very well know, the world places great emphasis on sex life .And ,as I mentioned,many people practice homosexuality and other new form of sex for many reasons ,such as ,for example ,curiosity,experience something new and so on.We can also consider an example from the past when demons as a first wanted to have intercourses with women and they bore to them.The Bible says that the sons of God began to notice the daughters of men.Those angels went taking wives for themselves.And in such way they broke God's law,in the same way as homosexualists do.And we must also say that everything :people, animals, earth and so on that God made was perfect.God created earth for perfect heterosexual mankind .The design of living things is that scientiests often seek to mimic it.But try as he will,man cannot truly duplicate that perfect originals found in nature.We can also say that living things have done everything we want to do ,without poluting the planet or mortgaging their future.We can say wisdom in it. Similar heterosexualists are a God's perfect product .And obviously homosexualists are product of people's lust .So we see that homosexualism is not design by God and obviosly it is not natural.It is only one of human life-tyle.And this bad life-style in some way is similar to poluting our planet or think like this. A man wants to be almighty like God but he doesn't have ability to do that.

    So I even quite agree with you in that what you say:

    Human sexuality is an inborn trait.

    Yes, it is true because Gode made only heterosexual people to have children and be happy.

  • AllTimeJeff


    It isn't my place to judge you for your personal views. I am well aware that there are many people like you who have strong feelings about homosexuality because of the influence of the bible. I totally disagree with the lot of you on this matter.

    Human sexuality is an inborn trait because we all have genitals, and we all are attracted to different kinds of people.

    However, the medieval view you promote about homosexuality hurts many people. Suffice to say, many gay and lesbian people are indeed born that way. Even if you do not approve because of your religious beliefs, please refrain from spouting such ignorant statements like:

    Yes, it is true because Gode made only heterosexual people to have children and be happy.

    My brother was gay, and was disfellowshipped. He was attracted to guys for a long time. But he had to hide it, pretend he wasn't gay, and in the end, because he couldn't be himself, he killed himself.

    Do you know what he was doing before he committed suicide? He went to gay bars, looking to convert gay Catholic men to worship the "Jehovah" he believed in.

    I truly feel sorry for your ignorance, but I feel even worse for the victims of your ignorance, the gay and lesbian community.

    I apologize as I know this wasn't the point for which this thread was started, but I think it a relevant point overall to make.

  • mouthy

    my 2 cent worth.I believe some are born that way....
    Just as when two are joined in their bodiies .God made
    Man & Woman.WE are told....

    But I saw a documentary last week where two men were joined
    together at the waist 57 years old.
    There are all kinds of "differant"
    people on earth.
    Also saw to girls same body two heads that think differantly
    I know 7 Gay's they seem to me to be more caring than most men(put the rock down mate)

    So I put that down to having both traits, femine & Musc:

    But what do I know??? I am the 200lb Elephant in the room

  • GromitSK

    Personally as a gay man I couldn't give a toss what the Bible says about it. I do not really understand anymore why anyone with any intellect gay or straight bothers with Christianity at all in the first place, however for a gay person to try to rationalise it and spend his or her life trying to conform to a book of fairy stories in organisations that quite clearly do not offer any support to them or want them, or try to modify fundamental personality traits in this way is beyond me (of course it's usually because of indoctrination, family ties and fear).

    Speaking from personal experience (and not for gay people in general) I definitely didn't have any choice in the matter. For most people being gay is very difficult to deal with at least initially and I cannot imagine many would deliberately choose to be gay rather than straight given the choice, especially in formative years, even in this more liberal climate. I do believe that sexuality is a continuum with degrees of homosexuality and heterosexuality though and not simply an either/or. I think some people can make the choice and others cannot (I regard myself in the latter category).

    If there is a God of some description I doubt very much whether he/she/it cares what I do in bed or who I love, as long as I do love people. Coming to terms with being gay has been difficult at times, Christianity has not been one scintilla of help in that process. It has however made me think very carefully about religion over the years. to be frank JWs and all the other born again pushers out there can shove their opinions and their Bibles. Why don't they spend as much time condemning stealing, idolatory or better still fornication (answer: because they prefer a target that like-thinking none-believers might find acceptable - try compaigning at your local nightclub against fornication and see where that gets ya).

    ATJ: Really sorry to hear about your Bro. It is not an uncommon outcome sadly especially in younger men who don't feel they can resolve the conflict.

  • mouthy

    to be frank JWs and all the other born again pushers out there can shove their opinions and their Bibles.

    I am a born again!!!! But I cant shove opinions & bibles where you want.
    I have RA...I cant put my hand behind me very well,& to do that would make me cry
    But I do understand your feelings GROM!!! I know many gays that have had very hard
    dealings with not only Christians( Born again or Atheist's) but just ruddy judgemental folks
    But dont you go tarring us all with the same brush love...
    We are ALL differant,,,if snow flakes are all differant & they only last a few seconds
    so are we, I unfortunatley have lasted for over 80

  • ninja

    mouthy....stop talking about flakes to the gay guy...they are so touchy.....just kidding gromit....chase me....he he

  • mouthy

    just kidding gromit....chase me....he he

    Ninja your naughty!!!!I dont think any gay guy will chase you sweetie

    Or was you trying to entice GROM??? He sounds lovely

  • GromitSK

    Actually I do like flakes (the confection anyway). I don't have any objection to people having their own beliefs, although I do find the spouting of scriptures and the usual religious platitudes somewhat nauseating, I respect other's freedom to express them (though I don't respect the actual belief if that makes sense).

    Where people push their beliefs ie insist they are correct and others are not and are condemnatory then the "shove" recommendation applies, otherwise it doesn't. I certainly don't view all christians as being the same, or all religious people. A lot of people on here don't fall into the "shove it" category, but some do. as an aside one of my friends is christian and gay. I find the combination puzzling but that's his business.

    As an aside I am not sure what you have that I can't find in Manchester that would induce me to chase you Ninja

  • polin

    AllTimeJeft ,first of al ,I never say anything that hurt anyone.And as I say before ,I hate homosexualism but by no means people. who practice such relationship.According to this topic I want to say that everyone can change his or her life-style including the lesbian who has been studying with JWS for long time

    you have strong feelings about homosexuality because of the influence of The Bible

    No one is in a possition to change the Biblical point of view including myself.So if anyone disagree what I've presented,he or she must ask God because only God is the author of The Bible. I can't understand why some people start to be angree because the lesbian has been studying The Bible? I love people from all nation and it is not my business to judge people and even God doesn't want we to do it.And of course I never ignorant anyone. Only you or some people like you say that.And so, it is not true what you say about me.

    However the medieval view you promote about homosexuality,hurts many people

    You mistake two different things,unfortunately.But it's not my fault.I know some people who were homosexualists but change their life-style ,really. So I can say that such a change is possible to do.And I still say that no one was born as a homosexualist.And even science confirms this.

    And of course it is not my falt that many families don't approval religious leaders who are homosexualists and who rape children.These men were not born as a paedophiles .So no wonder that most people hate homosexualism.And that's all

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