you all.
Time for some sleep.
by Warlock 22 Replies latest jw friends
you all.
Time for some sleep.
I just got up from a serious night (and day) of drinking myself... I got up at 7am the day before yesterday studied all day and night couldnt' sleep a wink so just kept studying went up to the college at 6am (so 23 hours no sleep) and studied up there test was at 10 (27hrs) I passed! WOOOO FRIGGIN HOOOO! So then we went and got our drink on at 11:30... I got home last night at 5ish... Everything kinda blended together but apparently we were still drunk smart enough to win a triva contest at Bukkets at jax beach... I don't remember much though... I slept until a few minutes ago and I'm still so tired and sick but I'm too sick to lay down... Friggin room is still spinning and my lips are like tingly numb...
I'm gonna puke and then go back to bed!
Come to FL warlock we are going to party pretty much straight through next wed when classes start again!
My goodness. You kids are wild.
You know how to reach me. I still luvs ya, you ole stubborn bat!!
Well, I'm feeling better.
Kind of like Fast Eddie.
Thanks for your concern, mkr, thanks for the'S GET READY TO RUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLE!!!!!
and it fixes nothing......oompa
Glad you are feeling better. (Just saw this.)
and it fixes nothing......oompaDamn you,'re right.
geez, i love how you acknowlege those that care.
kiss my ass.