On a previous posting I suggested that I have experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders due to my JW upbringing. Feedback has been mixed. Some agree with my assessment, others suggest a misdiagnosis on my part.
Please allow me to be more specific concerning ACTUAL EVENTS that led to my usage of that trerm:
Age 8 ... I watched my Father burn all of my Mother's literature in our back yard, leave and never return. We would live in poverty during my entire childhood. He claimed his wife had chosen her God over him.
Age 10 ... I was assaulted in a KH bathroom on a Sat morning by a mentally unstable servant because I could not get the part in my hair straight before service. I never told anyone.
Age 12 ... I was publically convicted of "blood-guilt" by a presiding overseer because a Bible student allegedly stated that if all youngsters were as bad as me ... this could not be the truth! I believed it at the time.
Age 13 ... Althgough unbaptized, I was temporarily thrown out of Junior High School for rufusal to say the Pledge of Allegiance and salute the flag. I was just being "obedient" to a parent.
Age 14 ... While forcing me to attend each and every meeting, Mother delivered a child out of wedlock and was DFd. Even though reinstated, she would shamefully never tell my half-brother who his Father was and remained in her denial of guilt for over twenty years until I told this confused fatherless boy the truth!
Age 18 ... I faced an attempted rape charge by a baptized Sister after rufusing to have sex with her in her car. Her father was an elder, therefore the "faithful" believed her story . I was disgraced. Her Christian boyfriend angrily attempted to run me over in a parking lot.
These are but a few real events. I could go on.
Although some may claim that I have misapplied a term, for me these experiences were and are:
A) Traumatic,
B) A Cause of delayed damage and
C) At the root of several unhealthy mental conditions for my entire life
Right or wrong, I will call it PTSD. Somehow, I think many know just what I mean
See Proverbs !8:13