Seems rather odd to me really.
Why did Jehovah create flu viruses?
by jambon1 22 Replies latest jw friends
He didn't "create" them, they created themselves - much like Satan "made himself" evil, viruses "made themselves" deadly.
Prior to the flood, viruses lived on dandelion seeds and pine cone shells, and didn't bother anybody.
This is all Bible-based.
Witness 007
To kill all the Catholic Mexicans!
In the new system virii will only infect grass!
They were left over parts that jenovah didn't know what to do w, so he put em in a cupboard, and then, one day when pandora was cleaning house, she opened the dam thing...
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
And Noah brought vials of all those germs into the ark.
wha happened?
I thought the 1st post was going to say. "ANY THOUGHTS?"
Tired of the Hypocrisy
I think George Carlin said it best when he said that viruses are made by the earth as a defense against threats. Starting on about minute 6 is where it hits on the video below.
When I was a kid, I used to ask my father these kinds of questions. He would always said something like "we were 'perfect' and had his 'blessings'" (whatever the heck that means) back then and the virii were not able to affect us. He must have drank the really strong coolaid back then, because he's quite rational and logical (boarderline genius - physics and math background) on all other subjects. Goes to show you how infectious the WT teachings are. (pun intended)
Darth Fader
Witness 007
Levitcus 15;3 "Thou shalt not have relations with the beasts {Swine} of the earth...."