I'm in Barstow, right now working for a few weeks and this place could use an earthquake. What a dump!
by Dogpatch 16 Replies latest jw friends
I'm in southern Puerto Rico right on the coast. Last night we had a good tremor that woke me up. It passed fairly quickly and caused no damage that I am aware of.
I didn't get up to check the exact time, but I'm guessing that the one I felt was this one:
I quit!
I was in Brea at the time and didn't feel it but my wife felt it in Anaheim.
I'm just the next town over and definitely felt it here!
Funny... I have new housemate that just moved in from Chicago. Got the earthquake experience over within 24 hours of arriving!
Welcome to California.
And the May Gray is disillusioning to him. Somehow he was expecting abundant sunshine.
And the May Gray is disillusioning to him. Somehow he was expecting abundant sunshine.
Hehe He'll get it soon enough.
There was a quake up here in No Cal a couple of years ago, I was on the phone with my mom at the time. She lives about 80 miles east. I said "Mom, we're having an earthquake!" and she said "Don't you hang up! You stay on the line! Are you ok?..........Oh, OH! we're having it here now!"
I thought that was pretty cool, to be able to track that suckers movement right out to where she was.
We had one in northern England also 2 days ago watchtower stating time of end www.rivermediagroup.co.uk
Barbie Doll
Didn't feel a thing here in San Diego California.