I'm not Anti-anything here - but still....please watch

by AK - Jeff 32 Replies latest social current

  • Gayle

    The clip really instills fear mostly, stating at the end they were "believers" from the "gospel." I think the vast majority of Muslims just want a better life, especially for their children. Many are behind decades from 1st world cultures. Not too long ago here, Catholics had very large families. Some Muslims are already educated and most want better educations for their sons and also their daughters. I won't be here in 2050, but no doubt, people will laugh at our fear of Muslims then. Remember, not too long ago, when someone different moved into the neighborhood, was the expression, "well, there goes the neighborhood." We have changed in our prejudices and I hope will continue to do so. Good to read: http://www.prb.org/Articles/2008/muslimsineurope.aspx?p=1

  • villabolo

    "Nowhere does the bible say I should preach with physical force (unlike the Qur'an)"

    Very clever but misleading that statement. If one is referring to the Christian Bible then it needs to be taken into account that it was written when Christianity was a small powerless minority. Things changed three hundred years later when, through imperial decree, Constantine declared Christianity the Universal religion and persecuted all others.

    Nor should one make excuses and say that those religions did not base their actions on the Bible because the mentality of both Jewish and Christian Scriptures was to declare those with different beliefs as evil and worthy of death and eternal torture. That mentality creates an atmosphere of hatred and intolerance which results in wars and forced conversions.

    So go ahead and quote scriptures that do say the opposite SO WHAT! The scriptures like the Watchtower speaks out of both sides of its mouth. You want scripture quoted, read Matthew 11:20-24 where the loving Jesus damned entire towns to hell even having the audacity to tell them that they were worse than Sodomites because they were not impressed by his miracles. (Do you realize how many magicians there were in that region?)

    So one could quote the Quran all he wants but all four major religions(Hinduism included), in their fundamentalist versions, are a danger to free humanity.

  • steve2

    It's amazing what you can make a book "say" through selective quotations, the Quran included.

    beyond that much maligned book, if you want to quote from a source that wears its brutally genocidal fantasies on its sleeves, go to the Old Testament (aka Hebrew Scriptures).

    Every overly-righteous accusation hurled at Islam can be made about Christianity whose violent, blood-red history is far from a thing of the past.

  • steve2

    A couple of short decades ago, fear-mongering focused on the red peril of communism.

    Earnest Christian fundamentalists had a whale of a time whipping up the storm clouds on the horizon.

  • rebel8

    The premise about a culture disappearing due to negative population growth is interesting. I wonder if every single culture had negative population growth [until the Earth had a more reasonable population size], would all the cultures disappear? ;)

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    Re Surah 47:4

    You seem to be ignoring the words "in battle" - what the hell do you expect fighters to do in battle - roll over maybe?! In any case, the full context of the verse might suggest to the very moderate Muslim that 'smiting the neck' does not mean beheading, but rather the general act of subduing/defeating - see the words which follow.

    The moderate Muslim says that all mutilation is forbidden on the basis of Surah 4:119 and certain hadith, even though these were referring to specific situations, they recognise that all humans are God's creation, God's property - and as such are to be treated with respect.

    Re Surah 9:005

    Read the CONTEXT!!!!!

    004 - Don't harm those who haven't harmed you - even if they happen to be unbelievers.

    006 - Protect unbelievers who seek protection, no forced conversion.

    And you've done exactly what the terrorists do - taken odd verses out of their literary and historical contexts. How 'bout this for Christ's example:

    Luke 19:27

    But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me."

    Luke 22:36

    He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.

    Matthew 10:34

    "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword

    Perhaps you prefer the Old Testament stuff:

    1 Samuel 15:2-3

    This is what the LORD Almighty says: 'I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came up from Egypt. Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy everything that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.' "

    Wow - this amount of destruction is actually forbidden in Islam - even in battle!!

  • steve2

    Christians are expert at quoting the Quran to make it appear a uniquely blood-lusting book. They conveniently forget that there are enough genocidally maniacal passages in the Old testament to keep the fires of ethnic-cleansing burning for millenia. Thank goodness for Western secular laws!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Good point Steve - Biblical Sharia would make the Islamic version look like childs play perhaps.


  • Elsewhere

    The western world is turning its back on ALL organized religion.

  • Elsewhere

    I just watched the video and something stood out to me: The statistics do not account for people leaving the Muslim religion.

    Years ago I coined a little phrase that will cause Islam to fail as a militant religion: Forget Allah! I want the Dollar!

    Once someone gets a taste of freedom and a good income, they tend to loose interest in the supernatural.

    You want to know who is "winning" this "culture war"? The West is. How do I know this? Because the Islamic terrorists are wearing blue jeans.

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