BLAME BUSH ALL YOU WANT, BUT........................
by Warlock 43 Replies latest jw friends
These a**clowns are amazing to watch. They (dems) create this housing fiasco, then when it hits the fan, they want to sit back and play stupid and hope the dumb masses fall for the act!
All the while, blame the banking industry for making these toxic loans they were forced to make under penalty from Uncle Sam!! And to top that off, they (dems) are the first to call out the lynch mobs to tar and feather the bank execs!! (We must create a diversion)
This is blatent hipocracy on display! People are beginning to wake up and see that their government is out of control, and is no longer listening to its constituants. It is pretty obvious who started the bad loan snowball with their policies, and which party tried to at least call attention to the timebomb waiting to go off. However, the time has come for accountability for this current spending frenzy, and we are talking BOTH parties!
All parties involved, including all incumbants, need a wake up call in 2010, that is, if the New Systemâ„¢ has yet to be ushered in...
This is what the modern day Democrat doesn't want you to see.
This is what the modern day Democrat doesn't want you to see.
Reagen good! Clinton bad!
Typical Republicans. I mean Jesus Christ, have you guys had an original idea in 20 years?
I'm not a Republican, you moron.
I'm a Democrat.
That is how low the party has sunk.
Read anything about, and by, JFK, you idiot.
Maybe I should start calling you Rudy, you fucking retard.
If that chart is indeed accurate, I am somewhat shocked.
The Debt to GDP ratio has DROPPED during each Democratic Adminstration and skyrocketed during Republican Administrations (Regan/Bush/Bush).
And all along theRepublicans claim to be the party to cut government spending !!!!!!
Rub a Dub
Can you read a chart?
The peaks are Truman, Clinton, and rising with Osama..............................sorry, Obama.