by badboy 10 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
It will be mentioned less and less (already is) and then dropped altogether in 10-20 years time.
It may be mentioned less in the years to follow then it may be resurrected in a new form. Perhaps they will attach Genesis 6:3 to 1914 and get 120 years, ending in 2034, to extend 1914's shelf life.
Oompa insists they will drop it.
I insist that they CANNOT.
See Don Cameron's 'Captives of a Concept' for details.
No 1914 = No Basis for the Authority for WT Leadership
However, in practical terms, reality/dates/facts/doctrines do not matter to the mind-controlled follower. Leaders could change it to 1913, publish a WT article and retain 99.9% of membership.
It would be hailed as New Light, Jehovah's loving arrangement of clarifying the TRUTH, the latest example of how much insight the Slave has, etc, etc.
I think the whole shebang is going to go down the toilet soon! 1914 and all...
Ultimate Reality
They could also do what they have done in the past. When they longer wanted to support 1874, they just moved everything up to 1914. Then they found or created events within the history of the Society to prove the fulfillment of bible prophecy.
Now, they could eventually abandon 1914 and move everything up 20 years to 1934 to support the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BCE.
After listening to the comments of the loyal Witnesses today at the meeting, proclaiming their undying, unconditional support for the "Slave" and its Governing Body, I am sure they can get away with this.
New light can accomplish anything!
Come 2014 they will mention it less and less until it goes into oblivion. They will never make a comment that they have dropped it though, much like all the other years 1799,1874,1925,1975 have not been mentioned since.
I was at the circuit assembly both days, a week ago and there was not a single word about 1914 this time and not a word about apostates either. Intresting could it mean something? We'll wait and see.
Don Camerons thesis is not about dates. But about the concept called Gods channel of communication. As we all are aware dates are quite flexible.
The link between 1914 and 1919 is done via the cleaning of the temple. Also, being part of the discrete maidens is being tied in with Jesus coming in his kingdom..........just as they reverted to the 1927 idea of the generation so they could return to a pre 1916 idea of the FDS.
The FDS was thought to be Russel himself, then Rutherford together with the board forming the GB avant la lettre. This is important in the wake of all the GB is great watchtower studies of late. By promoting the GB and diminishing the role of the composite body it becomes possible to change the views on 1919. Just as Rutherford dramatically changed the views on this, there is no real reason why they now could not change it in the course of the coming say 5 to 10 years.
Another major thing about the generation change is this: the oldies were somwhat disappointed. On the younger ones it had no real effect. Those who were in the process of runnig just found another reason. Those willing to stay for the reason as Don Cameron so eloquently has pointed out in his book will stay. That was the 1995 - 2008 era. That's 17 years.
A gradual dropping of these so called teachings unique to Jehovah's Witnesses will be out of the will be a mere....update, better understanding kind of thing.