Kentucky Derby

by purplesofa 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa

    PEC and Barbie Doll, thank-you for expressing your opinion. I hardly thought my enthusiasm over watching this race and seeing the underdog win would bring controversy on this board. But, thats the way this board rolls.

    I think if you feel this strongly about what horse racing is doing to horses you should start a thread on it and that would be a good place to discuss what's going on concerning doping and abuse of horses.

    I saw no abuse yesterday, I saw it as a sport, with people that had ungodly amounts of money, and to my untrained eye, a deep respect for the sport.

    I am an animal lover, and hate to see them mistreated or abused, having taken in many stray dogs and cats over the years, finding them suitable homes, volunteering at the local animal shelter and supporting my daughter on all her animal rescue adventures.

  • fern

    That was an awesome race for Mine that bird. I don't think many people saw that one coming! Now, here are some facts for those badmouthing horse racing. Eight Belles is the filly that broke down just after the Derby last year. She was being slowed down by her jockey after her brilliant second place finish and she stumbled, breaking an ankle. She then broke the other one when she tried to catch herself. This is an extremely rare occurance and anyone in the business will probably tell you they have never seen an injury like that before. Freak accident...pure and simple. Also, most times when a horse breaks a leg, it HAS to be euthanized. Unlike some animals, horses simply cannot support their weight on three legs because it causes inflamation in the remaining legs that is extremely painful. It is called laminitis. Remember Barbaro in 2006? Lastly, these thoroughbreds are treated VERY well but all we ever hear about are the horror stories that are really not common at all. The owners typically pay big money for these horses and if the do well in racing are worth even more as stallions or brood mares. Beleive me, they DO live better than many humans. Check out the Three Chimneys Farm website and see just how nice these farms are. You can practicly eat off the barn floors! Now stop believing all the hype and don't badmouth a sport you know nothing about!!


  • purplesofa

    thanks fern for your comment!


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I respect PEC and Barbie - but politely disagree.

    I always watch the triple crown. Other than that I never watch them. There is plenty of greed driving that industry - just as greed drives most industry. Are there cheaters? Sure - but these horses are tested before and after the race, and disqualified if they are doped illegally. The owners face criminal fines and dishonor if they are caught. More and more states are watching closely. Owners and trainers can be suspended or banned from the sport.

    That is not to say that widespead cheating doesn't happen - it happens in all sports. I am all for reforms to correct the situation - but not opposed to the racing itself. I also watch football - a sport in which human beings are doped to ignore the pain of broken legs and arms and backs. I don't like that part - but I still like to watch the sport.

    I dare say we could not find any sport that is not guilty to some extent.

    In this case I was overjoyed to see such an underdog win. I am not a big fan of animal races in general - but the KD is the primo event, a world class party.

    It was great to watch the IVY league millionaire horses eat the mud tossed up by the blue collar winner. We just saw history in that running.


  • poppers

    Wow, what a race! Gotta love the underdog.

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