Hi, Mouthy! I was going to introduce you to my dog - and by way of that, show you Lower Calf Creek Falls in Utah, but since Minx threw up all over the guest room today [she had minor surgery yesterday afternoon with anesthesia], the cats are on my mind - here they are!!
This is Minx - spoiled rotten, very pretty! She's my little 'fashion model', since she has very long legs and tiny paws...
This is Velvet - when she first came to us. She was almost starved to death - now we joke about our furry little black 'bowling ball with legs'!
This is Tiger Lilly - the kids down the street brought her to my attention - first Minx picked on her, then she picked on Minx, then we got Smokey - more on him later...
Aaaaand - Heeeerree's Smokey! Otherwise known as the demonized cat... He's chewed up almost every electrical cord in the house, put the big TV out of commission twice (chewed thru the cable cord) and I had to replace it both times during a blizzard - chases all the other cats, just plain OBNOXIOUS - but then, he's a young male (neutered male) cat - what can I say??
So, what do you think of my kitties??? Zid