Hi Yadda.....
There is no manual, in fact, there is an entire afternoon dedicated to the shredding of all materials, schedules, and syllabus given to each class. (boy do I get the heebie jeebies thinking about that afternoon...) In the lack of specific questions, which I would be more then happy to answer for you Yadda, I thought initially I might direct you to some past posts of mine, if that will help....
Here are some posts I started that refer to Gilead.
AllTimeJeff's Story
What Gilead Taught Me
My Resignation Letter
In addition, my blog and Lance's (Awakened@Gilead) is on www.freeminds.org. Lance has made great video's that talk about Gilead, and he lists his personal journey out as well.
AwakenedAtGilead's Blog
AllTimeJeff's Blog
I can also tell you that all of the material we went through in Gilead is in the WT Library, including 2 Kings and the Elijah/Elisha link to Rutherford and Knorr, as quoted below...
*** w 658/15 pp.494-495pars.11-12Turning to Jehovah***
Do you recall Elisha’s first miracle? It was the same as Elijah’s last one, using the official garment that had fallen from Elijah for the same purpose, enabling Elisha to recross the riverbed dryshod. Only now he was alone, except that Jehovah was backing him up. In between those two miracles another notable one occurred, when Elijah ascended to the heavens in a windstorm after being separated from Elisha by a fiery war chariot and horses. That prophetically pictured the end of the work by the Elijah class and the continuation of the same work, only intensified, by the Elisha class. The historical events occurring early in the war year of 1942 marked the fulfillment of this changeover. Just prior to that time, in the midst of World War II, it seemed as if the witness work might be coming to its end. The outlook was very uncertain. On January 8, 1942, the president of the Watch Tower Society, J. F. Rutherford, died. Did the work stop?—2 Ki. 2:11-14.
To the contrary, the Elisha class, made up of the remaining members of the anointed remnant, immediately carried on with the same work of dividing the symbolic waters, even as Elisha did in a literal way. The same Watch Tower Society was used as a publishing agency, but with a new elected president. In the same issue of
TheWatchtower that announced President Rutherford’s death, there appeared the leading article entitled "Final Gathering," based on Jeremiah 16:16, telling of an intensive fishing and hunting for those who might yet be recovered. In the late summer of 1942 a three-day convention was held by Jehovah’s witnesses at Cleveland, Ohio, with repeat programs in many cities of other countries. The main theme was based on Isaiah, chapters 59 and 60, bidding God’s people to "Arise . . . shed forth light," resulting in a great flock of peoples coming to the light, "flying just like a cloud." (Isa. 60:1-3, 8; Rev. 7:9) No doubt about it! The Elisha class recognized their commission and were losing no time!