No more happy meals for my kid until he's 30! LOL
7 Year Old Finds Condom In "Happy Meal"
by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends
No more happy meals for my kid until he's 30!
He'll just sneak out and get his happy meals on the sly. Wouldn't it be better if he knew about having a safe happy meal?
Perhaps the packaging looked like a condiment.
A Condom in a Happy Meal???...........LOL!!.............Theres going to be a lot of teenagers going to McDonalds for a Date!.................At the end of the meal the Guy has a condom for his Big Mac!..................LOL!!...OUTLAW
A Big Mac with cheese.
Witness 007
Somewhere a guy is opening a new box of Condoms only to find........a toy car!!!!! DAMN SO FRUSTRATING!
Somewhere a guy is opening a new box of Condoms only to find........a toy car!!!!!
Some of those toys could be fun......
Quick! Shank the fry cook!
Police said Monday they were investigating where the condom came from and how it got into the Happy Meal. They said an analysis was being done to determine if the condom posed a health risk.
I find this comment particularly disturbing.