What does nicotine feel like?

by Elsewhere 42 Replies latest social physical

  • Nowman

    I smoke and like it, feeling of needing it. Yet, I feel "bad" about doing it, I need to quit, but I just do not hate it! I do not smoke in my house, always go outside no matter how cold...I do not like the smoke smell on others, therefore others probably do not like the smoke smell on me, but I can't smell it on me, you know???

    It makes me feel calm when I have not had one for awhile. Which is why I needed a smoke anyway!

    I need (want) a cigarrette!


  • SPAZnik

    Self-destructive. Just say no!

  • FreeAtLast1914

    Cigars are incredible. I have about 2 per month and enjoy every puff. The feeling is soothing and the taste is divine.

  • restrangled

    AS a life long smoker I'll tell you what it feels like for the first time, while your doing it, and while you quit. This is a serious post.

    For the first time, and after you have quit and go back to it,....it gives you a very High, high. Just an inhale or two, and you are flying on air.

    Once you are a permanent smoker....no dice, no high, no nothing...just the need to smoke and smoke and smoke. Your brain and body becomes use to the high and it seems normal.

    After 20 years I quit for 3 months, but sadly started again. Half a cigarette got me so high I was dizzy. It took a month, but I was back to the same amount...a pack a day.

    Don't start, don't cheat, don't restart. I had a free ride quiting in the hospital,....3 months smoke free..... now I have to quit the hard way.


  • gubberningbody


    I dipped for years and it was the hardest thing I did to quit.

    Going back is easier than staying away. It makes no sense to start when you can't quit until you've got cancer or you're dead.

  • Snoozy

    Vll, my hubby died from the exact same cancer in the exact same way (lung), it spread to his liver..fast..The original cancer that started in his lungs..they shrunk that with chemo, but the cancer that spread to his liver multiplied so fast it took over the liver in a very short time, there was nothing they could do.... he lasted for 6 months..he was 62.

    He never ever in his life smoked..when I questioned the Drs they said his was from "The environment"..sometimes I think they will say anything.


    ps..I've seem two people(Men) die from emphesema (both smokers)..that would make anyone quit! I bet they would like a second chance, they would have quit in a heartbeat if they really believed it would happen to them. (emphesema) No one ever thinks it will happen to them...surprise! Once you get emphesema, it doesn't go away..it can kill.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I asked the same question a while back to a friend. They said smoking calmed them down. I only smoked once and it made me sick. It was never very attractive to me.

    Nicotine actually stimulates the dopamine receptors in the brain, which is your pleasure chemical. It is a socially acceptable drug, but a drug non-the-less. I don't think smoking is morally wrong, but I have watched a lot of people live such a limited life from emphysema (or die) that I have no desire to smoke.

    Besides, it costs a small fortune these days.

  • Farkel

    :As little as one cigarette can make permanent changes to your brain, and not for the better.

    What a pile of bullshit. If you had used half your brain before considering repeating that nonsense it would have quadrupled your thinking abilities.

    Make sure subject has never smoked any cigarettes the past. Hire FBI, NSA and private investigators to INSURE subject has NEVER smoked even ONE cigarette. Take brain measurements. Have subject smoke one and only ONE cigarette. Take new brain measurements. Have FBI, NSA, CIA and private investigators following subject 24/7 for the rest of his life to make sure subject never smokes another single cigarette. If subject does this, start new experiment with new subject.

    Compare brain measurements before first cigarette with brain measurements AFTER first cigarette with brain measurement at death at age 86. If brain measurements at death at 86 show brain has same "permanent" damage as it had AFTER first cigarette, make claim "as little as one cigarette can make permanent changes to your brain, and not for the better."

    When challenged by scientists for claiming such incredible results from a sampling of just ONE, repeat experiment 40,000 times more using same monitoring resources as before over 40,000 lifetimes. Cost $35,000,000,000,000,000,000.



  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I didn't smoke before I was 20. Just had the lit cigarette on my guitar. Later I got hooked. It brought me down and relaxed.Never smoked more than a few packs a week but one day, my cig lighter was messing up and I was cursing and screaming and weaving on the road. I figured it out and threw the cigs away. never since then

  • zagor

    couple months ago I hooked up with this really nice smoking girl ... kiss felt like putting mouth on exhaust of a car. Heck even now when I think of it I start to breath little heavier lol

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