The last turd of a meeting I went to was 2 weeks ago. I went to support my 13 year old son who got suckered into a talk by my mother in law. He is everything I wish I could have been, He sees the "Truth" for what it is, but doesn't want to stir up too much shit with his Gramma.
Right before his talk, someone in the back of the hall started having a heart attack. I saw all of this from the 2nd school.(My goatee and earrings scare too many "freinds") Paramedics had to bee called, but not even someone in an obvious fight for his life didn't stop the f*&cking spiritual food from being dispensed. The paramedics had to keep speaking louder and louder to be heard over the comments during the "bible highlights".
Nothing was even mentioned about the incident the rest of the meeting. That was soooo surreal.
I'm glad I'm out for good