hehe WELL...talking about a bunch of hypocrites...
My cousin, dirty ugly sleazy alcoholic weirdo that he is, was a witness, got df'd for cheating on his wife, made out like she was bitch from hell making his life miserable etc etc and that she had set him up, she was threatening him, and that he didn't cheat on her, blah blah, got married to a non-jw, seemed content for a while, cheated on her, winds up in the middle of a hairy divorce with her taking all the $$ she can get (don't blame her), moves to where my parents (devoted and upstanding jw's for 60+ yrs) live, then got reinstated with the loving help of his uncle (my dad, the sucker for a sob story and some crocodile tears, great elder he makes!), THEN started sleeping with a sister in my parents congo who was ALREADY MARRIED to an MS who from what I've heard was nice as pie, loving etc, no problems in their marriage at all... THEN my cousin and his new lover both got df'd, then they started coming back to the meetings, cried for forgiveness, loving uncle got them reinstated, and now they are GETTING MARRIED... (just as soon as his divorce to his second wife comes through, her's has already) AND MOST LIKELY IN THE HALL. And get this - my mother, she who lives by and made my life hell with her OTT strict adherence to everything in the jw literature - has the hide to invite the family to the wedding and is supporting their marriage coz 'they are repentant'.
Bunch of hypocrites. And i don't want to go to his wedding anyway, he's a dirty sleazebag who cheats on his wives and then cries like they screwed him over. and my dad's the friggin PO!! he has gotten a lot of people who cry crocodile tears and fake repentance reinstated over the years, and it always ends badly.
then my parents wonder why i don't seem very spiritual *sigh* fyi i'm in the long slow process of fading.