How many a minimum should be years to serve as the elder?
by Derde 10 Replies latest watchtower bible
dont know what u mean.
technically there isnt a mininum amount of years before you elligible to serve as an elder.
Generall a couple of years cool down period after baptism, then a year or so reaching out for MS and then a couple years as MS then maybe become an elder.
If you get reproved or disfellowshiped. Reset the clock and start again. Plus add a few years.
Depends on your reputation mainly. Plus if you piss off the wrong people you might never become one.
I heard of people getting baptised and then within a couple of years being made into elders. Just depends on who you know i spose.
Depends on your elders as well, some will make you wait years. Until you have a fairly lot of grey hair
well, I do know one guy that was MS for one year before he got appointed as an elder. It just depends on the BOE, CO.
Me interests since years. With 22, 23 or 25?
Me interests since years. With 22, 23 or 25?
Erm not sure what you mean?
I think what we are saying is, ages doesnt matter, nor does how long you've been there.
All that matters is reputation with overseers, elders and congregation. Depending heavily on the whims and preferences of the people who decide ie - district overseers. circuit oveers.
As well as demand for elders. If your in congregation has no elders, you could be one within months.
I think you are asking what is the minimum age a man must be, to be appointed as an elder?
Thre is no minimum age specified in any literature. In general, bright enthusiastic zealous ministerial servants raised in "the truth" with no obvious "issues" can get appointed to be an elder sometime between ages 27-30. On rare occasions someone younger might be appointed as an elder. It would be extraordinarily rare for someone under 25 to be appointed as an elder.
Offcial rule for age is 25 Year old for Elder, 18 Years old for MS. You won't find it in writing, but it is there, on branch 'secret' manuals.
They make exceptions, like if the man is turning 25 in a few months (2 or 3). No expections with 18 for MS.
To be a MS you must have been baptised for over a year; thereafter, two years as a MS before being named elder.
If DF'd and reinstated, 5 years wait (and normally will be a MS first);
If reproved, Three years wait (and normally would be requested to be a MS for a while first.
I think the minimum age should be 30 like when Jesus gave himself to be of service in the Temple and got baptized. Nobody has the LIFE experience at age 20 to be giving advice to "adults" about ANYTHING.
And they should serve for 4 years and then out. To not only give them some time to be with their families but to give others coming in a chance if they so desire. And nobody should be PO for more than a year to avoid power trips.
I know a elder that was d/f for cheating on his wife 3 times within 5 years. 6 months after being reinstated the last time he was back to being a elder, guess it helps if your dad is the PO.
It is bad. To me now 22 years. 2,5 years MS, I have very good reputation in congregation and at elders, I do good reports, half of congregation waits, when I will be the elder.