Do Jehovah's Witnesses practice common courtesy?
by asilentone 16 Replies latest jw experiences
I'd say about the same as any other group of people. Just like the general population, there are nice JWs, there are mean JWs. There are courteous ones, there are rude ones. There are sincere ones, there are up-to-no-good ones.
No, their courtesy is extremely uncommon.
I would agree with steve2. They are very selfcentered people even thought they preach, "show love".
I would agree with steve2. They are very selfcentered people even though they preach, "show love".
Not when they leave tracts instead of tips.
Just like the general population, there are nice JWs, there are mean JWs. There are courteous ones, there are rude ones. There are sincere ones, there are up-to-no-good ones.
Yes, but I think the averages are a tad lower for JWs. I've known JWs who feel that their 'superiority' over the unenlightened, and their disdain for the world, gives them the right to be less polite towards their fellow man than they might be otherwise.
I remember times when my sweet little JW grandmother would get a bit testy with householders and mutter about them as she left the door. Rude.
I just experienced some uncourteous behavior today. I was walking and crossing a very busy road (in the crosswalk, mind you) and when I got to the median in the middle to cross to second half of it, a JW elder who had plenty of time to stop just drove right on past and didn't even bother to brake for me. But the "worldly scum" who was behind him came to a full stop and let me pass. They're such shining examples, aren't they? One could even say "Christ-like"...
Lady Lee
I think it depends on the situation
JWs love-bomb newbies hoping to lure them into the fold. They are instructed ordered to show love to new people at the hall and to make sure that they show it at conventions.
Amongst themselves -- well the WTS doesn't really allow them to put love for their brothers first. The work is first. Those who are sick are not really taken care of. Christ's commands regarding expressing love for each other is hard because the WTS doesn't show it to them. Out in the world there are so many rules of things they can't say or participate in that much of their behavior would appear as discourteous
As for those who left - well we don't deserve anything which gives them permission to treat us as non-existent. So much for showing love to your enemies.
People learn to express love by having it shown to them. The "mother" WTS has no idea of what love is. All they know is sales and numbers
Or course JWs are courteous. They're trying to save our lives. They're using a really STUPID method to do it, but they are trying to save us.