ROMANS 10:13 NTW on the wall in the "kingdom halls"?

by Chalam 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • possible-san

    Hi, Mr. Chalam.

    There is a thing which I want to say to you.

    For you, "Jehovah" is clearly different from "Jesus."
    Since you want to merely deny "Jehovah", you say repeatedly, "Jesus is Jehovah."

    I think that your way/manner/style is foul/dirty.
    Before, I said the same thing to you.


  • passwordprotected

    Ehp 4: 8 Wherefore he says: “When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts [in] men.”

    Paul is here writing about Jesus. He is quoting;

    Psalm 68: 18 You have ascended on high;

    You have carried away captives;

    You have taken gifts in the form of men,
    Yes, even the stubborn ones, to reside [among them], O Jah God.

    So, Paul attributes a verse in the Psalms about Jah God (Jehovah?) to Jesus.

    However, Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jehovah is God the Father. They consistently put Jesus into a subordinated position to Jehovah, even choosing to give more honour to Jehovah than to Jesus.

    If Jehovah is the God the Father, how does this affect the Jehovah's Witness refusal to honour Jesus;

    John 5: 22 For the Father judges no one at all, but he has committed all the judging to the Son, 23 in order that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. He that does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.

  • passwordprotected

    possible san says;

    "I interpret the Bible entirely symbolically and figuratively."

    This is probably in my top 5 of ridiculous things I've read on this forum. Was Jesus raised from the dead "symbolically and figuratively"?

  • possible-san

    Mr. passwordprotected.

    This is probably in my top 5 of ridiculous things I've read on this forum. Was Jesus raised from the dead "symbolically and figuratively"?

    I am explaining nothing in this forum about resurrection.

    While I am explaining nothing, nothing is funnier than you conclude that "it is ridiculous."

    The Bible is described like this.

    “When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears [it], that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation.”
    PROVERBS 18:13 (NWT)


  • passwordprotected

    @ possible;

    “When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears [it], that is foolishness on his part and a humiliation.”
    PROVERBS 18:13 (NWT)

    LOL, I don't need to hear anything other than this;

    "I interpret the Bible entirely symbolically and figuratively."

    I now know all I need to know about any comment you make make on the Bible; you view the Bible as symbolic and figurative. I happen to disagree with you. Continue calling me stupid and foolish, it's no biggie.

  • possible-san

    The word which I looked in this forum recently and memorized is this.

    "fundie crap"

    I feel this is a good word.


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