Should the rich help the poor more?

by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    what do you think?

  • Priest73


  • dinah

    Hold that thought, I gotta feed my 5 babies.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    Maybe to the extent that they don't become dependent and lose all motivation to help themselves.

  • restrangled

    I don't think it's about the rich helping the poor..its about caring in your own local. You don't have to be rich.

    It's about the average person helping those in need. Its all around you if you are aware.

    If you are at the grocery store and someone comes up a dollar short ahead of doesn't hurt to donate that dollar, you can tell when it's legit.

    I do not donate to charities...I feel too much money goes to administration fees, but I or my husband will hand someone a five or ten in need. We see it all the time.

    Most rich will help the poor for tax benefits, kudos in the media etc., ......its up to the average citizen to help each other.


  • The Berean
    The Berean

    To me, the rich already help the poor. All government programs that assist the disadvantaged are funded by tax money paid mainly ... by the rich.

    The wealthy often employ the common worker and again pay for such things as Workers Comp, Unemployment insurance, and other benefits. Many businesses obtain capital needed to grow by selling stock to ... the rich

    Charity fund raisers are attended by and supported by those of greater means. I could go on ...

    If a person wishes to believe the Bible: Matthew 26 suggests that no matter how much you contribute "you always have the poor." Apparently, it has never been anyone's purpose to share the wealth completely.

    "Gold would all be worthless if we all had gold to spare."

    That's my read.

  • asilentone

    that will be up to the rich people, we have to carry our own load! As a matter of fact, I work for a very wealthy couple, I never ask them for extras. Leave them alone! They get asked by others all the time, it gets very boring for them.

  • leavingwt

    Wealthy Brits will surrender 61.5% to the Queen. Is that enough?

  • WTWizard

    The rich (that is, those who got rich by honest means) already help the poor. If they use their riches to create and maintain honest businesses that create value, they get even richer. At the same time, they give the poor the opportunity to get rich and help everyone by driving prices of all goods down and providing better products. The "greedier" these rich people get, the better off society would be. If everyone did that, prices of all goods would reach zero as the market is flooded with products (superior ones at that).

    Those who got rich by forcing or bribing lawmakers to inhibit competition or force use of their crap products, or that take 99% of your money as income taxes and by inflation, should themselves be forced to help the poor. What they should be forced to do is find those poor people that want to start businesses and develop products that will actually help society, without putting status-quo regulations on such people, so they can help drive prices down and make everyone else rich. At the same time, it would send a message to anyone that wants to usurp value that they are only going to have that value taxed away and the products they want off the market put on the market anyways.

  • StAnn

    Are there no workhouses? No prisons?

    St. Ann

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