We may argue about doctrine but sometimes the Watchtower and Awake magazines suggest that their writers are simple minded hacks who don't really know the Bible as an objective subject. I say this because of glaring omissions that often occur.
Example: Some years ago, the Watchtower Hierarchy legislated that no one should clap when a disfellowshipped person is announced as reinstated. In discussions about this, they never brought up the Bible account about the Prodigal Son and his father's reaction to his return! Old-timers, who actually knew the Bible discussed this. (Luke 15:20)
A recent example: The May 1 Watchtower flatly states "God does not rule through human governments". Oh Really? Who does the Bible call "God's Minister"? About whom does it say "Therefore he who opposes the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God". ( Ro. 13: 2)
I cannot tell you how many times I sat in the audience at a District Assembly and wondered if the writer of a talk even bothered to crack open a Concordance before he started composing the material.
I can assure you that, at one time, it was common and ordinary for Witnesses to have multiple translations of the Bible and freely quote Bible texts from the King James out of their memory. Now, the Watchtower can claim anything without fear of contradiction because their thralls wouldn't know if a quote came from Corinthians or the Koran.