"You have a good point, but of course we still have the Truth"

by BonaFide 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BONAFIDE- Good thread. It certainly is extremely hard to break a witness out of mind control unless they are ready for it. Sometimes the magic wand that can be the match to light the fire is if the witness personally suffers hurtful injustices committed by elders or others against them - and they see these people get away with it. Then it causes them to think, " This shouldn't happen in Jehovah's organization ! "

    As Steve Hassan's books on cult mind control say - it can cause a person to experience confusion or cognizant dissenece about their beliefs and it might start them questioning. That's what happened to me - and I've been free now almost 6 years ! So hope for fellow witnesses to screw each other over- it may start them asking questions ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

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