Sheesh, I hope this is not a general outline for all the COs.
by easyreader1970 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sheesh, I hope this is not a general outline for all the COs.
I feel like they are doing nothing more than imitating their "Father." From the beginning generations were cursed, faith was tested by up to the moment by killing your own son, children were mauled to death for being disrespectful, etc.
A story book is filled with violent, graphic pictures to scare modern day children into obedience lest they suffer the discipline of generations past.
The CO is just carrying the message forward.
thanks for clarifying Sir, thought you'd gone bonkers for a minute! my mistake, sorry.
Sorry - maybe you could PM somebody who could reveal the PIG who said this without blowing your cover.
Maybe somebody on the other side of the globe.
The actual name can be verified and then we would have some REAL ammo against these liars.
Has any other CO been saying similar.
I bet that talk raised a lot of eyebrows.....
ya know...
my freedom from the b0rg came about
because of my children needing me to
maybe that spew from the platform is
just the bitchslap some people need to
wake the hell up from the brain fog
that occurs from sitting passively
and being force fed this tripe!!
one can hope
A transcript should be sent to the child protection agencies in the various cities and to the un agencies that concern themselves w child welfare. This is abusive treatment, and should be publicised for what it is. Western countries should be made aware of what is going on in this cult.
Wow. It's to be expected I guess with all that are leaving though. Probably will get worse.
TRANSCRIPT? I think a taped CO talk like this would be better. They say much harsher things verbally through the CO and DO than they would ever print.
Same thing happened prior to '75
That is exactly what they told us. My 2 kids stopped going to meetings and we where told to kick them out of the house. In fact, my husband got hauled into the back room by 2 elders and they gave him a firm talking to. It was a blessing in disguise because that really opened our eyes to the WTS. We walked away a short time later and the whole family is thriving. We have never been closer. Ha ha on them, it totally backfired.