Of all known religious beliefs which one seems most reasonable?

by The Berean 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • The Berean
    The Berean

    Buddhism would be my choice ...

  • Chalam

    John 3:3 (New International Version)

    3 In reply Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."

    All the best,


  • Chalam

    Not that I am a fan of "religion". It only is mentioned five times in the whole bible Acts 26:5 Galatians 1:13 Galatians 1:14 James 1:26 James 1:27

    All the best,


  • gubberningbody

    Not buddhism. "A person who's been perfectly taught will be like his teacher." - Jesus

    Also not X-ianity.

    Paul Johnson in his book "Intellectuals" brings to mind an important point echoing Jesus' words and common sense - that the affect a belief system has on a culture and people ought be the deciding factor as to its utility.

  • leavingwt

    The Golden Rule is enough for me (at this point).

  • Satanus

    Some of the core hindu beliefs. Not all the gods.


  • Jack Burton
    Jack Burton

    I agree with Satanus. Hinduism to me is the most reasonable, if I was forced to pick one.

    I do like Hinduisms tolerance of other viewpoints. Ramakrishna equated all the worlds religions as heading to the same place.

    "As one and the same material, water, is called by different names by different peoples, one calling it water, another eau, a third aqua, and another pani, so the Everlasting-Intelligent-Bliss is invoked by some as God, by some as Allah, by some as Jehovah, and by others as Brahman.

    As one can ascend to the top of a house by means of a ladder or a bamboo or a staircase or a rope, so diverse are the ways and means to approach God, and every religion in the world shows one of these ways."

    I love this line of resoning

  • beksbks

    Buddhism here too. I like the emphasis on responsibility and self discipline, not trying to control others.

  • metatron

    Here's the problem: Buddhism is the most reasonable but is also too pallative. If the whole world had turned Buddhist, I doubt that any significant technology would exist. We and our computers wouldn't be here.

    Whatever might be said about Christianity, it is the "Christian" nations that developed technology, not Buddhist, Hindu or Animist. And there are subtle reasons why....


  • Satanus

    Because of the mindset of those who ambraced christianity? Because it was a new civilisation, unhampered/unsupported by much history? Perhaps, you are sublty changing the discussion.


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