(Bookmark this 'cause if the GB uses it, #1 We will know they watch this site; #2 You heard it here first... LOL!)
Their dilemma: As we know, the GB is between a rock and a hard place right now. Other than family members being baptized, very few new ones are signing on to the JWs. But, for some inexplicable reason, partakers at the Memorial are on the increase!
There are 7 million witnesses. How many households does this number represent? Probably around 2.5 million...maybe 3 mil.
(Stay with me here)
Out of this 2 - 3 mil., how many are generationally and family-related in some way? Probably around 144,000.
(Stick with me here)
Re-reading the scriptures that apply to the 144,000, I found that it does not say 144,000 individuals. It just says, "I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel." Then it goes on to say 12,000 out of each tribe, and it names the tribes.
There are Hebrew scriptures that can be used to support the tribal and family genealogical uses as well as ones that explain the great crowd of non-Israelites that went with them out of Egypt. The term "Chieftains" was used in the book of Numbers to describe the "heads of the house of their fathers".
(Bear with me....Here it is)
New Light Suggestion for the GB:
The number sealed are not individuals, but households/families from each spiritual tribe (12,000 households or families from each)!
This way, the numbers could go on to infinity because 144,000 applies to families or households, NOT individuals.
This would take the stigma off those wishing to partake of the emblems now. Those who don't want to and those newbies that do come in, are, of course, The Great Crowd left over who will be here on earth.
(I have some other applicable scriptures that can be used, but what do you think so far? Do you see any holes in my New Light?)