"Nope, we're not a brain-washed." Check these faces (and necks) out!!

by passwordprotected 66 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • possible-san
  • steve2

    A recommended strategy to those who have stayed on topic: IGNORE off-topic maneuverings.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    bingo steve2

  • asilentone

    Well he has derailed the thread! I am distracted!

  • rebel8


    I *love* the brainwashing pics. Excellent, especially the blind one (not b/c he's blind but b/c of the zombie 'I am healed' pic).

    I am bookmarking this thread in order to use those pics in the future. A picture is worth 1000 words.

    I do think the comments about the necks are relevant. It doesn't sound to me like the neck observations were meant to disparage the models, but rather to point out yet another bizarre zombielike element of the pics.

  • Tuesday

    Ugn, cult properties at it's finest. Persecution complex and exclusive prize. I also don't think as many people get yelled at in the ministry as the magazine's let on. When you actually talk to people they'll usually say "Seriously we're doing something now and it's a bad time. Please leave I'm not interested." The yelling and screaming is exaggerated.

  • passwordprotected

    I do think the comments about the necks are relevant. It doesn't sound to me like the neck observations were meant to disparage the models, but rather to point out yet another bizarre zombielike element of the pics.

    Thank you, that was exactly my point. Why choose two guys with obviously very long necks. It makes the photo look even more weird.

  • Mary
    Mary, I think the guy in the picture you posted is supposed to represent a blind person reading Braille.

    I had thought of that too......then I looked at the caption and it says "do you visualize yourself..." blah, blah, blah......and I wondered if the stunned expression on his face was because he was so intent on "visualizing" life in the New System...........I guess it could be either.

  • Cadellin

    Have you checkd out the pic of the latest Gilead graduation? It's in the same WT as the "follow the lamb" article. The sisters are all clustered in front (no doubt by height) but they are all dressed alike--cute little Stepford suits--and have the same expression on their face, all holding their hands the same way. I wonder if a memo was sent around to them the week before explaining exactly how the suit should look and fit--no dresses, no arms showing. In the past I've notced how the Gilead grads all seem similar but this latest pic is the strongest yet. Yikes! (I'd scan it if I could but I can't so I won't)

  • androb31

    I'm sorry but I can't pass on this one. I mean these guys in the picture really give a new meaning to the phrase "hold your head up high".... Go, Go gadget neck.... Must be subliminal for the fact that you have your neck stretched (die to all rational thinking) upon being assimilated into the borg.... I know... that's wrong....sorry....couldn't help it!!

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