Australia shuts off analoge TV signal 2010 - Need a digital T.V!!!!

by Witness 007 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • blondie

    Thanks, Jim. Eiither way it is opening up space for other technologies. I used to like buying cassettes and 45's but that is going the way of the dinosaur. Fortunately, I have purchased extra devices to play those things. I wasn't paying attention either to when they stopped making record albums, I must have had 300 of them and just transferred them over to the new technology. I'm always 10 years behind, and in the speed of change in this world, sometimes I'm only 1 year behind but obsolete.

  • drwtsn32

    If it's like what happened in the US, this only applied to television signals broadcast through the air. It did not apply to cable or satellite signals. Cable can and still uses analog signals for many channels here in the US.

  • Jim_TX
    "Cable can and still uses analog signals for many channels here in the US."

    I might be incorrect, but this statement can be confusing.

    I believe that the cable - at least locally - is a digital signal - when it comes down the cable (that's how they get so many channels in that small coax) - but it gets converted to analog - where it connects to the tv set.

    Unless - you subscribe to their HDTV part of the cable - which costs more - and is digital all the way into the tv set.

    Satellite tv is similar to cable tv in how they handle the signals.

    Now... there may be folks out in the sticks - who might still be using analog over the cable - but... well... I thought they discontinued that long ago. You can't get too many analog channels down the cable.


    Jim TX

  • jws

    Cable always was analog. At least the 60 channel variety.

    Digital signals allow them to compress the signal, requiring less bandwidth. You can get more channels. A lot of cable companies offer digital services where you can get hundreds of channels. It's not only for HD.

    If I remember correctly, the bandwidth used by the current analog signal, when compressed can support 6 broadcasts instead of just one. Or, 1 HD broadcast.

    The US government plans to make billions by auctioning off the returned bandwidth.

    Here's an article from Scientific American from a couple of years ago. It also gets into some of the technical details.

  • poppers

    I have a converter box - I am only able to get signals from 50 miles away, which means I have a total of 4 channels, three of which are public television.

  • kurtbethel

    The analog stations in the US were supposed to go dark on February 17th. There was a lot of hype for nearly a year before that. But, like Armageddon and global warming, that date came and went and there is still analog signals in this area. Apparently such a large percentage of Americans are so clueless that there was concern they did not have a clue about the change so it was postponed.

  • cameo-d

    Who needs a TV?

    Aren't you sick of listening to media lies?

    All media is privately owned and most of the news promoted is hyped for ratings.

    You can't find any truth there.

    Yeah, a few programs may be good entertainment, but is it worth it to support such an evil industry as the media we have?

    What would happen if the majority of Americans boycotted television?

    Can you imagine how it might strike a cord for peace if people were not being influenced and manipulated by media with ulterior motives?

    Media can incite people to war. They tell them how to think and what to think in subliminal ways. It is a great tool for controlling the masses and getting them to react in predictable ways.

    And who can forget the radio production that proved this so well..."War of the Worlds" by H.G. Wells?

    Media Mind control:


    This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda. In order to defeat our enemies (or dictators), its imperative that we understand how they think and what they believe in.

    One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of the television set. This isn't to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They're not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programming by the largest media corporations that have interests in defense contracts, such as Westinghouse (CBS), and General Electric (NBC). This makes perfect sense when you see how slanted and warped the news is today. Examining the conflicts of interest is merely glancing at the issue, although to understand the multiple ways that lies become truth, we need to examine the techniques of brain washing that the networks are employing.


    The dumbing down of humanity is represented by another shift which occurs in the brain when we watch television. Activity in the higher brain regions (such as the neo-cortex) is diminished, while activity in the lower brain regions (such as the limbic system) increases. The latter, commonly referred to as the reptile brain, is associated with more primitive mental functions, such as the "fight or flight" response. The reptile brain is unable to distinguish between reality and the simulated reality of television. To the reptile brain, if it looks real, it is real. Thus, though we know on a conscious level it is "only a film," on a conscious level we do not--the heart beats faster, for instance, while we watch a suspenseful scene. Similarly, we know the commercial is trying to manipulate us, but on an unconscious level the commercial nonetheless succeeds in, say, making us feel inadequate until we buy whatever thing is being advertised--and the effect is all the more powerful because it is unconscious, operating on the deepest level of human response. The reptile brain makes it possible for us to survive as biological beings, but it also leaves us vulnerable to the manipulations of television programmers. This is where the manipulators use our own emotions as strings to control us. The distortions and directions we are being moved to are taking place in the subconscious, often undetected.

    read more here...

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