Could someone turn to Revelation 9:11. I am always hearing of only two angels being named in the Bible, but now I am seeing this one. The text reads from mine:
rev 9:11 - They have over them a king, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name is A-bad'don, but in the Greek he has the name A-pol'lyon.
Does anyone know what Abaddon/Apollyan symbolizes? In the NWT, the reference is made to first to Luke 4:34 in reference to a demon calling Jesus the Holy One of God before being rebuked admist the synogouge, then the next reference is to Rev 19:15 which potrays what appears to be Jesus coming from the clouds. What gives? Anyone have any ideas on this one? Any brainstorms would be appreciated, as I have only recently come upon this, and it intruigues me.
Edited by - ianao on 21 December 2000 11:52:27