Don't know if I'm posting this on correct forum, but has anyone else received an email enititled 'Watchtower! Where do we go from here?' - I have zero idea how they obtained my email address, as I've only subscribed to ex-JW sites (even then, my email address would only be available to admin?)- this and one other - (and this appears to be pro, indeed casting aspersions on 'conference call')?
Our Paradise Lost
by MidwichCuckoo 14 Replies latest jw friends
I have not recieved anything, but I have heard someone else mention this on another forum.
Thanks for your speedy response Hope4Others - I just found it strange (have never received anything 'pro' before), and am wondering how our emails have been obtained by this 'group'
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Nope, never got one either.
WT probably has stock in a tracking company.
If I ever do get a spam from the witlesses, it will be reported as spam and dealt with accordingly. Of course, if it is damning enough, I will feel free to post part or all of it on an apostate forum, with commentaries, as I see fit.
I got it.
they probably used barb's or rick's distribution list.
I just read it right now. I'm planning some kind of response.
Ta all - glad it isn't just me...d.boon, not sure how Rick's 'distribution list' would be obtained (?) - Rick is subtly 'condemned' in the email.
WTWizard - I'll PM the contents to you if you like.
Edited to add - the only 'distribution' list I'm subscribed to is 'Six Screens'