Is the Kingdom Hall a good place for ugly guys to get pretty girls?

by donny 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    Yes... so many more girls than guys... and the girls competed for the guys attention...and it got viscious! Best friends would stab you in the back as they smiled at you. Ugh! They'd gossip about you...start crazy rumors...if they thought you were getting more attention than they were. I hated that time in my life... There weren't many good guys to choose from it wasn't even worth it! but now I'm free...

    The irony is that I am now with an xjw guy I "dated" when I was a teenager....and he is wonderful...and really good lookin' too!


  • megaflower

    We had a guy that looked EXACTLY like Alfred E Newnam (madd magazine) and he married a very attractive youg lady.

  • coffee_black

    My x looked like Kelsey Grammer....but nerdier...much nerdier...


  • Kudra
  • oompa

    oh ya!........very slim pikins for the babes.........oomps

  • FlyingHighNow

    I never ran into catty single girls. I ran into catty married women.

  • veen

    Yes it is.

    The only problem is, because everyone tends to just marry the first person they ever hold hands with you need to be super pro-active. Grooming is essential, as all the best girls are snaffeled up before they're out of their teens.

  • stillajwexelder

    Bethel brothers regularly marry WAY above their league. ABSOFU----GLUTLEY TRUE

  • redking

    Yup, I've seen plenty of pretty girls with ugly guys. A lot of the times its funny and sometimes its truly depressing to see that. I use to always wonder why that was but as I got older I realized that most males either get in trouble, don't take to the religion as most girls do, or aren't very attrative so what happens? You see attractive sisters with guys below them. But i guess it is what on the inside that really counts lol.

  • WTWizard

    Didn't work--if the hounders want me for their Value Destroyer Training School or Jehovah is absolutely determined that I shall remain celibate at ALL costs, then it is not going to be any different this time around than the last time. Plus, the hounders will do all they can to bust it up.

    All so they can push me out there to go out and plunge the whole world into the Second Dark Ages.

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