Would you rather see the WTS move mainstream or just collapse in a heap?

by ThomasCovenant 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • My Struggle
    My Struggle

    A slow collapse.

  • Leprechaun

    Sounds like your describing the Bible Students to me. Take away the control and you then getting closer to the Bible students.

  • BurnTheShips

    I don't think the WT has the mental resources necessary to mainstream the religion. The leadership is not there. Even the Mormons had a far larger share of assistance and social services to their members and others when they started to mainstream themselves. All the JWs have is door knocking and aid during the occasional natural disaster (which they trumpet). And without the apocalypticism (they have to convince you that the end is near and they are the ticket through it), it has little to offer. They hardly help their own. It is a shallow spirituality.


  • flipper

    Definitely collapse in a steaming, pile of heated up dog doo-doo

  • quietlyleaving

    mainstream and 1 meeting a week

  • BurnTheShips

    The WT will be a slow fade. Perhaps they can reinvent themselves, but it won't happen quickly. There is no one at the helm to shake things up over there.


  • Quirky1

    Definitely collapse, leaving it's members dazed and confused.

  • Gayle

    Collapse. They don't have the creativity nor charisma to mainstream successfully.. They could break up into scattered small groups of mostly older people but at least the worldwide global connectivity would dissolve. At least the youth would see it at totally unsuccessful for any possible future for them.

  • thomas15

    Well, I don't have the 1st hand experience but I do have an opinion. I really do think that the WT will have to do something to broaden it's appeal. I feel that those who factor in the Mormons are on to something, as I think the WT management will look to the Mormons for some inspiration. The problem for the WT is that they have been negative on advanced education while the Mormons have embraced education. So, and not to offend anyone but how will the WT appeal to those who have college degrees or want degrees for their children without offending those who didn't persue advanced education due to the current WT doctrine?

    With paperless publishing and the decline in real estate prices, the WT may find itself in financial dire strates and it could prove entertaining to watch how they deal with it. My gut tells me that there will be in internal GB fight revolving around those who want to set another date, since this has worked before to swell the ranks, and those who want to go mainstream and relax the education and shunning rules, you know, make it a family friendly religion.

  • leavingwt

    It will be going strong, long after we're all dead.

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