any ideas?
by badboy 9 Replies latest jw friends
You mean on taxes? I was wondering that myself because at my accountants he had a brochure for Ministers and wondered if jw's who on/off claim to be ministers would ever attempt to take the deductions allowed for ministers? Especially when they had the meetings in their home for awhile, could they count part of the house, heat, electricity as an expense as a 'minister'?
(I couldn't take the brochure at the time because my jw was with me and I didn't want him getting any ideas)
Luo bou to
Surely you would need an income from being a minister before you could claim expenses Stupid topic
Lou bou, got a bee in your bonnet today? Non profits and even small business still must file even if they have no money coming in.
There are many small churches in peoples homes. I know of a guy who has church in his home, it consists of 12 congregants, they file as a church but I don't know if he takes his house as an exemption. He files because he wants to be considered a legitimate church and grow it. None have any real money but from what I know they use any money they collect to attempt to grow the church (fliers, etc.) and for charity.
My question was if jw's ever attemtpted to use their on/off 'minister' status.
In the US you can claim expenses incurred in the course of volunteer work. These result in income tax reductions.
Who's stupid now?
(AFAIK you still need to have enough of an income and assets to itemize your deductions. That's why I was never able to deduct these expenses, but there are plenty of dubs who could.)
They have no salary or paycheck so they can claim any and all living expenses. They are, after all, acting in the capacity of a volunteer for a "charitable organization".
Regarding getting approval on their expense report, the GB are the ones controlling the money so, of course, they approve all of their own expense reports.
Like a kid in a candy store.
rebel8 - voluntary charity workers (UK) claim expenses - as while we donate our 'time' free, out of pocket expenses, eg petrol, are covered by charity donations. It's always concerned me that the WT wants the charity status, yet not the liability.
they can't claim any, they give the receipts to the accounts servant for reimbursement..... thus if they claim on taxes, they would be claiming fraudulent charges.....
if the receipts were already reimbursed, they never actually dished out the money.
if there are any irs agents reading this, look into it. these guys never paid any of these expenses, the congo's did!
darth frosty
The GB, CO's and bethelites do not file taxes. They all take the vow of poverty which basically exempts them. Thats what makes it so messed up when they get out or thrown out, they have contributed nothing to ss or anything. They cant go and file for un-employment they are just out there alone when they leave.