New Video on the July 2009 Awake
by rifter 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Welcome rifter! Great vid! This should be mandatory viewing for anyone that gets a copy of that ragazine.
B the X
. You've got a calm logical manner that will appeal to many. Excellent stuff, loved it.
Fantastic video, great job. And welcome!
Love it
Great video...exposes with their own words their hyppocrisy and double standarts. You can check out WT but you can never leave...Many of us face the unhuman result of shunning. Many parents have not even invited to their childrens weddings due to WT unloving policy. I have seen from first hand their "love"when I was disfellowshiped for apostasy(join the Orthodox Apostolic Church)
They just take a piece of scripture, twist it and fit it in their own stupid logic to prove that they are correct and they follow Bible. The ignore the fact that Jesus is love and He was talking and accepting everyone. Including the Scribes and Pharisees and Judas. Jesus came to bring love not hatred and pain
Good work
JustHuman14 formely known justhuman
Albert Einstein
Great job!
Very very well done! and a huge WELCOME to you Rifter!!!
I am sure this video will do much good,and I hope you have the time and resources to make more such in the future.I like the phrase at the end "You are free to join,but there is no dignified way to leave" so so true.
Many thanks,and God bless you!
Rifter rules. :oP They have written the words we will hang them with.
This is a prime example of why they need the Kool-Aid washtowels. They knew they were going to impress the public with one set of rules, and enforce a different set of rules. While it is supposedly acceptable to leave another religion to become a Jehovah's Witless (and they make a big deal of the shunning that happens in those cases), it is not acceptable if they leave Jehovah's Witlesses because of mistreatment, realizing they would be better off outside whether it is the truth or not, or because they realize it is not the truth. And, they decry such people as wicked and deserving of death, unlike the other religions (most of whom do not view changing viewpoints as deserving of death).
Hopefully, people will realize that this is a double standard--just look at any washtowel article about disfellowshipping from the 1950s to date. And look at the Keep Yourselves In God's Tyranny book in the chapter about disfellowshipping, and then look at this Asleep! article. Chances are, they will see the Jehovah's Witlesses practicing what they admit is bad.