If you were offered the position to run the Watchtower....

by BurnTheShips 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • JeffT

    Serious: Before I did anything I'd hire psychological experts to figure out how to mitigate the damage that we would be done by telling all those people they'd wasted their lives on a lie. I would hire financial experts to figure out how to best use the assets of the WTBS to mitigate the damage caused by all those wasted lives. Then I'd do what they suggested. I'd probably hire a bunch of people from places like this board to help explain it all.

    Not so serious: I'd use the printing presses to print zillions of copies of my novels and I'd tell everybody they had to sell them. Hey, it worked for L. Ron Hubbard.

  • The Berean
    The Berean


    empathetic comments ...

  • jamiebowers

    I would hire Steven Hassan to conduct a worldwide assembly via sattelite to help the people get deprogrammed. Simultaneously, I would pay for professional help for all of the battered women, molested children, men who went to prison over the neutrality issue and victims of the blood transfusion ban. Then I would have the Bethelites comb through all the records for victims who never came to light, and offer them therapy as well. And, of course, there would be assistance for the da'd and df'd.

    Once it was determined how much money it would take to remedy the problems of obvious sufferers, I would set up an education fund for every jw and exjw who was denied a college degree or job training due to their "faith". This, of course, would all be accomplished by liquidating every asset owned by the WB&TS. If there was anything left, it would go to humanitarian needs for the general population.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    The WT organization is in need of massive reform. It will be a huge job to turn that ship around and put it on a healthy, positive course. They will never offer that job to any of us on this board. (LOL) Nevertheless, they can and are being pressured to make changes as we speak. It is a long term project, but I believe it eventually will happen.

    There are many pressures from current and former members (like us), governments, and other circumstances, that are and will continue to change their direction. That is what it will take, because they don't have an incentive to change on their own.

    I'm actually pretty hopeful about it over the long run. I have observed that the WT leadership has demonstrated a willingness to respond to carrots and sticks. Slowly to be sure, and only after they try to wiggle out of it. But over time it does happen. Unlike a small cult run by a deranged leader, the WT's size, history, and ambitions make it a religion that can be influenced to change for the better.

  • VIII

    What Rutherfold did.

    1. Get a mansion, tell the WT tools that it was for the Big Guys, you know, when they return to earth. (They'll need a place to rest and all; muhahaha)

    2. Set up a bank account where Obama and staff couldn't find it and start depositing my paycheck, which I would insist be large. I couldn't run a chairitable organization so large without a very large salary. (wink, wink)

    3. Hire all my worldlie friends as my cloestest staff, especially lawyers. I know a few; they would make good WT corporate attorneys. Of course, they would have to be compensated as they would at a standard Partners rate.

    4. I'll think of more.....

  • Quirky1

    I'd sell it to the Catholic Church.

  • mkr32208

    I would take the money and run like a mother f$#cker! lol

    As to feeling responsible why the hell would I? I didn't start the thing I didn't run it for 100 years I just got offered the position right this very minute! WHy would I feel guilt for everything that came before?

  • WTWizard

    I don't think too many of the witlesses would initially like it--I would expose that people are supposed to think independently. That means there would be no more grounds for disfellowshipping except initiating the use of force, threats of force, or fraud against another person or their property.

    That would automatically allow anyone that has been disfellowshipped for things like sexual "immorality", smoking, and questioning the organization or its doctrines to be reinstated without delay. And it would put a quick stop to the pedophile problem--those who initiate force, threats of force, or fraud would quickly find themselves outside of the organization. That also means putting a stop to the houndings to attend all the boasting sessions, forcing me to improve the quality of them so it's worth the time and trouble to be there.

  • Mrs. Fiorini
    Mrs. Fiorini

    Would you feel any responsiblility to the millions of psychologically, emotionally, spiritually dependent members al around the world?

    Would you consider all the lives built around and centered on the bOrg?

    Would you break the truth gradually, gently and point everyone in a new direction over a period of time? Or would you tear down the BethelGod fast and videotape the bridge jumpers?



    These are good questions. They are why, IMO, it is best that the WT reform, not crash and burn.

  • villabolo

    1) The last watchtower magazines that I would print would be dedicated solely to exposing every aspect of the organization from beginning to end. It would be the question and answer format watchtowers and I would make sure that they be studied and participated in the hall as well as distributed on the streets with one placed in every doorstep.

    2) The last watchtower would implore the brothers and sisters to (assuming they haven't done it already) leave the organization and never follow any other like it. There would also print one last book exposing the organization.

    3) I would then close down all printing presses and buildings, including Kingdom Halls, and sell them off. I would redistribute the money to every person disfellowshipped for apostacy as well as every victim of incest by a JW male. I would thus officially declare the organization dissolved.

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