I thought we could start a string all in one place of our Christmas greetings to each other. If you want to send your love, do it here so we wont miss anybodys :)
I'll start:
Its been a year for the history books, my friends, and all of our lives no matter where we are were impacted by the events of 9/11. This holiday season, have a loving thought to the loved ones of those lost that horrible day. Squeeze your loved ones closer and never forget to say "I love you". Thanks for being here for me...for us all. Giving us a place to vent, to cry, to sing, to laugh this year. You are truly FRIENDS. Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, or just Warm Fuzzies for the end of the year wherever you are and whatever you do!
Love, Dawn (LovesDubs)
Read CRISIS OF CONSCIENCE by Former Governing Body Member RAY FRANZ