When I was younger I remerber I was tested in school and my IQ score was 98. A wile back I google IQ and one site listed what IQ score of 98 was only good fore working in Wall-Mart. So I decided to retake the test on line and cane out with a score of 105 which put me in a higher work cadory, service tech etc. Now I sleep a lot better at night knowing I will not have to spend the rest of my life working in Wall-Mart.
by is there help out there 27 Replies latest jw friends
C. T. Russell
I know a Witness that makes over 100K a year working for Walmart. It doesnt matter what your job is, it's what you put into it.
Ok I can only assume this is a joke of some sort to test us out about IQ's
In the opening post I count no less than five misspelled words:
1)remerber instead of remember
2)wile instead of while
3)fore instead of for
4)Wall-Mart instead of Walmart
5)cane instead of came
and the one that really has me guessing is cadory (I can only hope you meant category)
Table 1 - Practical Significance of IQ
IQ Range Frequency Cumulative
FrequencyTypical Educability Employment
OptionsBelow 30 >1% >1% below 30 Illiterate Unemployable. Institutionalized. 30 to 50 >1%? >1% below 50 1st-Grade to 3rd-Grade Simple, non-critical household chores. 50 to 60 ~1%? 1.5% below 60 3rd-Grade to 6th-grade Very simple tasks, close supervision. 60 to 74 3.5%? 5% below 74 6th-Grade to 8th-Grade "Slow, simple, supervised." 74 to 89 20% 25% below 89 8th-Grade to 12th-Grade Assembler, food service, nurse's aide 89 to 100 25% 50% below 100 8th-Grade to 1-2 years of College. Clerk, teller, Walmart 100 to 111 50% 1 in 2 above 100 12th-Grade to College Degree Police officer, machinist, sales 111 to 120 15% 1 in 4 above 111 College to Master's Level Manager, teacher, accountant 120 to 125 5% 11 in 10above 120 College to Non-Technical Ph. D.'s. Manager, professor, accountant 125 to 132 3% 1 in 20 above 125 Any Ph. D. at 3rd-Tier Schools Attorney, editor, executive. 132 to 137 1% 1 in 50 above 132 No limitations. Eminent professor, editor 137 to 150 0.9% 1 in 100 above 137 No limitations. Leading math, physics professor 150 to 160 0.1% 1 in 1,100 above 150 No limitations Lincoln, Copernicus, Jefferson 160 to 174 0.01% 1 in 11,000 above 160 No limitations Descartes, Einstein, Spinoza 174 to 200 0.0099% 1 in 1,000,000
above 174No limitations Shakespeare, Goethe, Newton -
is there help out there
You all should all know by now that the Cookie monster can not and will new learn to spell. I will never use a spell checker becouse it is infested with demons.
and BTW, I'm not sure that I'd 'Brag' about having and IQ of 98-105...
Just sayin'
Sooooo memory and IQ are completely unrelated?
FUNNY! He be trollin' we be hatin'
When I was younger I remerber I was tested in school and my IQ score was 98.
Don't listen to Priest. He is just jealous, he once swallowed an overly large chunk of live crab his brother brought in from the Bay and it lodged in his throat for too long.
Oxygen deprivation.
Listen. Around here intelligences like yours are like a genius.
Genius. You are like a one eyed man in the land of the blind.
Think about it! After all, we are dealing with ex-cult members that got suckered. Some of them got snookered more than once. Easy marks. A lot of them bit the hook a second time and voted for the snake oil merchant.
You know who: Hopeychange.
Posters like Purps and Beks would give their.....well you know....for an IQ as high as yours.
Posters like Purps and Beks would give their.....well you know....for an IQ as high as yours.
Dude... I think three drops of pee came out when I laughed at that post.