"But please don't be so hasty as to deny things which you know are at least a consensus position without at least a modicum of backup."
To be honest with you, a "consensus position" doesn't really say much to me. There are many of those that are ever changing within many fields of science, as they should be. New data comes in, therefore new theories arise as old ones are abandoned. Relating back to the various dating methods, that consensus is ever changing too, dates/ages that scientists constantly have to change.
"It is also false that science is "silent" on the matter of god."
Really?....science can prove/disprove the existence of God? That is within the scientific method, sure test him then "box it up"...what's the verdict?
11. The claim that "religious" experiences are supernatural (At least some have full natural explanations)
Does your use of the word some imply that there are other supernatural experiences that are not backed by science, but nevertheless observable? If yes then I agree. If that's not what you are saying, then shouldn't you change some to all?
"Science does not really have arguments, it has experiements (usually)."
I'm half with you on this one....there's a lot of debate on who's theory (insert here) is more correct than others. With all of the different data collected for a particular experiment,the conclusion at times is still based on the theory/belief of the individual. If this is not the case, then we wouldn't have differing ideas within a particular field of science-that is if the data says only ONE thing and can be interpreted only as such.