With an opening of 74 Million this is offically the biggest Trek movie ever! The record of 30 Million Star trek "First Contact" is broken. With roaring ratings the writers are saying all cast members are signed up by contract to a sequel...they are reading trek books to prepare with talk of "Kahn" and many former bad guys returning. As one teenager sitting behind me put it "I'm so glad you guys talked me into it..that was awesome dude!" Yes it was awesome! Tuesday night session in Australia...packed out! Great fun, action,comedy, cast.....long live Star Trek.
New Star Trek movie a huge hit! Sequel already taking shape, franchise to continue!
by Witness 007 6 Replies latest social entertainment
The movie was awesome. And i think i was in a theatre full of people who were fans of the previous films/tvshows. I hope that the sequel is more of a Dark Knight and less of a Matrix reloaded.
darth frosty
I heard that all the main cast had been signed to do 2 sequels.
We saw this at an IMAX tonight. It was great!! The cast was very well chosen. Can't wait for the next one.
I have never watched a Star Trek movie before. Would this be a good place to start? I always skipped the other ones cause i never watched the first one...
Did you watch any of the shows?
It's a good exciting movie with a great cast. But if you're familiar with some of the Star Trek history, it's even more fun.
I watched a few Next Generation episodes...thats about it. I figured that if this was a prequel , it may be a good place to start, perhaps even inspiring me to start watching the movies already out?