The dinosaurs were transubstantiated before the flood and are now mowing the grass in the spirit version of the paradise earth that has existed since 1975.
Dinosaurs killed in flood?
by bboyneko 13 Replies latest jw friends
LOLOLOLOLOL - Nathan.. that was toooo funny!! :))
"Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
Yes, the Society's position used to be that dinosaurs were killed in the Flood. They rarely mentioned this in print, but one can see a proof of this in the map that was printed on the front inside cover of The New World Translation (the old "green bible") from its introduction in 1961 until at least the 1978 printing. The map shows a dinosaurish creature standing on the north coast of Africa. The printing I have after that is the "revised 1981 edition", in which the map was replaced with a new one that showed no dinosaur.
The tract you found was the 1982 brochure "Enjoy Life on Earth Forever", and the picture sure looks like a T-Rex to me and to my daughter. Interestingly, it seems that about this time the Society was internally dropping its old teachings that were essentially a slightly modified version of the "flood geology" taught by Evangelical young-earth creationists since the publication in 1961 by Henry Morris and John Whitcomb of the book The Genesis Flood, which is the basis for modern day "scientific creationism", and taught by the Seventh-Day Adventists since the 19th century. Within a few years after its publication, the Society was teaching "flood geology" as a God-given doctrine, but not giving credit where credit was due.
By 1983 the Society had officially jettisoned young-earth creationism and flood geology, with its publication in the March 8, 1983 Awake! of a series of articles that condemned the stupidities of "creationism" -- of course, the young-earth kind. Naturally, no announcement of any kind was made that this was a major change. The JW community placidly accepted that the Society no longer argued against ice ages and anything else that proved "flood geology" wrong. But that's no suprise, since most JWs never pay much attention to what the Society teaches on any subject whatever, except to worship the Governing Body.
The dinosaurs could well be alive and well living on Venus.
BTW: That's a quote from "the Golden Age" I think