Do You Look Smart?

by compound complex 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hi neatly-attired friends [I'm assuming]:

    I wanted to see if clothes-care matters have changed any since June 18th of last year.

    Do you do drip-dry?

    Do you dry-clean?

    Do you press clothes for money (I have)?

    Do you mangle your laundry?

    Do you have tips for looking smart?

    Thanks much ...

    CoCo Iron Man

  • Nowman

    Yes I drip dry my husbands clothes, some of mine because I don't want them to shrink up

    I hate to take clothes to be dry cleaned, I take that, I like the return of dry clean clothes because it had been so long since I dropped off that its like having something new to wear

    No press clothes for money

    Yes I mangle the laundry sometimes

    I think a tip for looking smart, is just being yourself and having confidence

    Did I help you with your study?


  • Priest73


    I'm a straight divorced american male in my mid 30s.

    I wash my clothes, and I'm pretty sure I own an iron.

    I know that I have to wear a brown belt with brown shoes, but that's about the extent of my fashion knowledge (and some thing about white after Labor day)

    Hi neatly-attired friends [I'm assuming]:

    And you know what they say about assuming (making an ass out of u and Ming?)

  • undercover

    To the sharp dressed, I became the the casual, I became the the unkempt, I became the unkempt; not to cause a purposeful mangling of laundry but so that I might gain acceptance in whatever situation I might find myself in. I do this for fashion's sake, so that I might not get laughed at.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Yes, Nikki, that helped much! Thanks for taking time to reply. You look smart in your avatar!

    Priest ... who's Ming? I assume I'm in good company. I assume I don't look smart now ...



    edited to add: I get it, Priest! I think the train or the brains passed me by.

    undercover: very CLEVER! I just may quote you ... excellent!

    Thank you

  • snowbird
  • cameo-d

    The only reason I may be mistaken for looking smart is when I wear my reading glasses.

    I care more about comfort than style.

    Iron clothes? I doubt it.

    Some things I hang up right away when laundered.

    Anything that needs "pressing" I fold it and sit on it five minutes.

  • wobble

    Oh Comp Comp!! I wish,I have seen a picture of you I believe??? looking debonair,classy,sophisticated and soooooo smart.

    Me,put me in a Million Dollar Suit and I would look 100 times rougher than Chaplin's tramp or any bowery bum. I don't know why,but I attract dirt and get that rumpled look within 5 seconds of putting on freshly pressed clothes,guess I just have to go for the Credit Crunch Look and be happy with it.

    Love Wobble

  • Finally-Free

    I am the quintessential slob.

    I toss my clothes in the wash. When done, I toss them in the dryer. The next day I'll toss them into my laundry basket and that's where they stay. I pick things out as I need them.


  • PEC

    I am smart, I don't have to look smart.



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